Painting Questions



From researching here it sounds like we use two different paints.

Cookbox Exterior & Lid Endcaps:
Rustoleum High Heat (Satin)

Rustoleum High Heat ULTRA (Semi-Gloss)

Is this correct?

I saw Larry mention Rustoleum 2X, but I don't see a High Heat version, so I'm not sure what the 2X colors would be used for.

How many grills does one can of paint yield?

Where is the best place to paint something like the frame if I don't have an interior space? I worry about wind messing with dripping, etc. Any tips on setting up an interior space? Just cardboard on the floor and stay away from walls?

Is there a preferred go-to Primer to use before the paint?

I keep hearing 400 Grit Sandpaper. Is that just for the frame? Hit the whole frame even if the current paint is still in tact?

Is this the basic order of operations for any part:?
- Wire wheel
- Sand if frame
- Brake cleaner
- Prime
- Paint

Thanks again.
I use Ultra on the end caps and parts of the frame that are adjacent to the cook box. I basically only use the regular black high heat on the cook box.
I use Rustoleum 2X Semi-Gloss black on the rest of the frame and other parts that do not require high heat paint. The semi-gloss is a near perfect match to the Rustoleum High Heat Ultra paint.

Painting is always easier in a sheltered space, but with overspray and lack of ventialation, I do all mine outdoors. It is a pain with wind, bugs, dust, pollen, but if you can paint and then get it inside a garage or other shelter quick, you can minimize those issues.

I use Rustoleum Rust Reformer on any bare metal spots or spots that have any hint of rust before I paint with regular paint. I use it basically as a spot primer. I don't do the entire grill. It is not necessary if you clean and prep the frame ahead of time. The original paint on the grill is 5X better than the rattle can stuff we use, so saving as much as possible is a good idea.

Just a Heads Up! I have been looking here in Canada for a year and cannot find Rustoleum high heat Ultra black semi-gloss. I called Rustoleum Canada today and they said they have not been able to source it because of COVID supply issues and don’t know when they can but it will eventually come back.
I also looked in several stores on my trip to the US a month ago and could not find it there either.
Hope it comes back soon. 🤞🏻
Yes Bruce, except what they say is black is brown. I have tried cans from here in Canada and the US. Maybe it was just that year but I bought six cans and at $23 a can with taxes I am not trying it again.

Yes Bruce, except what they say is black is brown. I have tried cans from here in Canada and the US. Maybe it was just that year but I bought six cans and at $23 a can with taxes I am not trying it again.

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Richard, you aren't the only one that said the rustoleum in the cans dried brown. I wanted to try it with a spray gun but now I won't consider it because I don't want to chance it.
Richard, you aren't the only one that said the rustoleum in the cans dried brown. I wanted to try it with a spray gun but now I won't consider it because I don't want to chance it.
Steve. I am talking about Krylon being brown not Rustoleum. I used Rustoleum high heat ultra once and it was Black. Now I can’t get it.
Steve. I am talking about Krylon being brown not Rustoleum. I used Rustoleum high heat ultra once and it was Black. Now I can’t get it.
It was JimV that was complaining about the rustoleum turning brown. In any case, it's pretty ridiculous you can't find spray paint anywhere.
I do all mine outdoors.

Just found $1 buckets.
She threw in the hedge trimmer and cleaning supplies for free 😆PXL_20220717_143230919.jpg

