overnight smoke - Update

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Jim Evans

TVWBB Member
To recap. 1 14lb brisket, 2 8lb butts. Kingsford (I usually use lump), minion method and water (no sand). My ET-73 set for a hi/lo of 260/200.

I put the brisket on at 6pm last night and the butts on at 7pm. Temp held pretty good throughout the smoke, except for a spike around 9pm when i was out minature golfing with the kids. Wife called me and I talked here through it....she must really love me...

Anyway, the ET-73 went off about 5:30am with a lo alarm. I gently stirred the coals and was back to bed. It just went off again and it looks like I need to add some more fuel. I'm going to add some more unlit and more lit coals to get me through til the end. I had real full ring of coals to start. The kingsford didn't seem to last any longer than the lump I normally use.

I fliped all items end for end and sprayed with a little apple juice. The brisket is 175 and the butts are at 165.

I'll update again later.
11:30am (17.5 hours so far).

Butts are sitting at about 184 and the brisket is at 181. My temps are sitting around 230ish. I think I am going to have to finish the brisket in the oven with foil so I can take it to my Uncles for 3pm.

they look good and smell even better.

I'll let you know how that brisket works out.

Just about 1pm and the butts just hit 190. Brisket has been in the oven for just under an hour and it is at 195. I know it's cheating but I had no choice.

Time to wrap the butts and put them in the cooler.

Now what to do with the point???? Leave it on for burnt ends or chop it up for sammiches???? I won't be home for about 6 hours so I can't tend the fire but burnt ends do sound real good......

Last update.

Well, the brisket turned out sooooo tender and was jsut awesome. I think the foil did make a difference.

I dropped the butts off a friends party and showed him how to pull them and had a quick sammich and it turned out very well, however I must say I prefer the apple/cherry wood to hickory/mesquite for pork. The family is divided in half regarding the smoke flavor. I guess I need another WSM to keep the fighting down.

I did take some pics and will try to post. it might take a while because I am off to Canada for work on tuesday.

Another brisket and pork butts for my daughters birthday party next weekend.

Almost forget....The point turned out nice. Burnt ends for a bedtime snack tonight!!!!
Jim, I can't believe you had to add fuel, but yet I can considering you were cooking for like a week. Glad to hear everything went well and I am anxious to see the pics. Doing a butt and a brisket this weekend myself for a little smoke party for the neighbors!!
Wow. That sounds like quite the barbecue you did. I'd like to see the photos too.

I've had to add fuel on my last one too. I'm pretty sure it's because I didn't let the Boston Butts get all the way to room temperature.
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