Overnight Smoke in Cold Weather


Ted T

New member
Hi All,

Done a bunch of overnight pork butts but none in cold weather. Usually start them around 10pm and after the temp stabalizes, catch some zzz's from 1-6am. With the temp in NJ looking like it might be in the 20-30's on Saturday night does anyone know if the charcaol/wood will hold up as usual? Am i looking at an all nighter?

Thanks for the help!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Am i looking at an all nighter? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

It depends on your cooking temperature and the size of your pork butt.

I smoke in cold weather all the time. For some perverse reason, I actually prefer cold weather. Probably because it reminds me of warmer weather. Anyway, not much difference in cooking dynamics for cold weather. Wind is a much bigger factor in controlling temps than cold.

Put your butt on, dial in your temps, and go to bed. After all, you're just cooking, not disabling a time bomb
Great, thanks Jerry! Gonna flip the patio table on it's side to block the wind, should hopefully keep a steady temp.
Haha my wife's from freedon and it always seems to be much colder when we're out there... I'm doing two butts as well, gotta feed the masses for the game..

Have you guys used insulation blankets on the smokers or does the heat usually hold well?Read a few things online where people have broken out a welding blanket...
I'll be doing four butts a week tuesday, and I don't really do anything different excpet try and guard the wind. I do make sure I'm doing a maxie minion, packed solid, and leave myself lots of time in case I wake up (NOT at 6 am) to a cool fire.
I did a jerk injected 8# butt 2 weeks ago and it was 20degrees with 35mph winds.
I was thinking that it was going to take about 7hrs but it only took 4hrs to get to 190 thanks to my homemade wind box I made out of plywood.
I ran without water in the pan and kept it at 275 the entire time.
I foiled, and wrapped in a towel and put in the cooler for 3hrs before karate chopping it and having a Jamaican themed meal.
It was great.

