overnight cooks

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at the risk of sounding really stupid....

has anyone had probs with attracting wild animals while cooking overnight? raccoons in particular. those little b@st@rds will team-up and knock over full garbage cans when given the chance. i see them around our house all the time and wonder if they'll mess with a hot WSM.

tho when filled with charcoal, and if there's nothing near by for them to push off of - it might be okay, i s'pose.

any input?
That topic has come up and the consensus was that the heat keeps them away. I live in the middle of several hundred acres of woods and haven't had a problem to date.

yeah, the more i thought about it - that's what i figured.

thanks Paul.
Funny...Im doing my first overnight cook tonight and one of the women at work asked me the same thing yesterday...it got me to thinking...and worrying.
My VERY nosy schnauzer and cocker spaniel don't even show interest in the smoker when cooking is going on. I'd say about 80% of my cooks are brisket or brisket/butt overnighters, and we've never had critter interest that I know of. We have lots of raccoons, possums, and armadillos around here, but never had a problem with them tampering with the smokers. They're probably afraid that they'll be next in line on the menu... /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Keri C, still smokin on Tulsa Time
Now, Bruce, honey, you know good and well that I ALWAYS smoke my armadillo on the half-shell, thereby avoiding all use of the demon-foil. PLUS it makes it own gravy, in addition to supplying a right cute little built-in serving dish. I do declare, son, I teach you all I know, and STILL you know nothing! /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Keri C, still smokin on Tulsa Time

LOL! *in best Larry the Cable Guy voice*

"I don't care what yeh say, now THAT'S funny raht dehr!"
That's how I thought you had done them, but after being gone so long just wanted to make sure you hadn't changed anything. LOL, I'll make darn sure I write it down this time. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
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