Overnight Brisket question


Michael C.

TVWBB Gold Member
I have a 10 lb brisket for tonight's overnight brisket cook. I'm going to be using Rancher's charcoal for the 1st time tonight. I'm happy with this brand of charcoal with my beef rib smoke last weekend. My plan is to...

1) meat on at 9:00pm using MM
2) cook on the wsm around 235-245F dome temp.
3) fat side down, meat on top rack
4) set my remote for 165F, wrap brisket in foil at 165F, and let it continue to cook on wsm
5) pull meat off wsm at around 195F
6 Let it rest for several hrs in a cooler

Does this sound like a good plan? Any other thoughts? What method works the best for you?
Thanks for your help...
Sounds like a great plan to me, but I've only done flats, not whole briskets. From what I've seen, it should be fine though.
I am a bit worried about your cooker temp.

I do briskets at about 225* GRATE temp - isn't that about 250* dome?

Also rather than foiling, I put it in a metal pan covered with foil and I let it cook like that until the probe just slides in "nice and easy"

