Other cuts of meat


Dick Carner

New member
I was at Costco the other day. Picked up some short ribs and brisket. As I'm easing down the row, I noticed a few other cuts of beef and so I'm wondering if anyone has smoked the following: Chuck pot roast, Top Round, Beef eye Round. Everyone of these is under $4.50 a pound. The Beef Eye Round is @ 3" thick. Just askin'.
Oh absolutely!

Smoking a pot roast is one of my very favorite cooks. 225-250 in an aluminum pan with just enough seasoned beef broth to cover the bottom. Then in the last 45-60 minutes of the cook add some very rough chopped potatoes, carrots, and onion. Oh yeah.

Top round makes some of the very best sliced beef sammiches known to man. Cook to about 135 internal, then wrap and let it fully rest. Slice thin and Enjoy! Same thing with beef eye round.


I've done chuck roast, but it needs to be foiled for part of the cook, or braised (like Russ does). Otherwise, it will be dry and overcooked before it gets tender.
Those are prolly my 3 favorites on the WSM. If you scroll down to the Beef Recipe section you can get a few ideas. I'm doing an Eye of round this weekend.
Here's one I did a little while back.


