Ooops I Did it Again

Nice score Larry. Points are my favorite, but if I do have a flat, of a full brisket, I cut the flat away from the point and I make Pastrami out of the flat. Once the flat is cured, cooking it is similar to cooking a regular brisket, however I usually pull it at 150/160 IT
Oh you gotta post how to do that. I LOOOOOOOOVE Pastrami and would love to try my hand
Found this one, Larry, about pastrami. I was going to try this recipe next brisket, but pastrami should be thin sliced in my view, and I don't know if my meat slicer will do thin slicing (never tried it). Sounds interesting. And I, too, have/had that concern about re-freezing.

Sorry. Guess I misunderstood what you were trying to say. I’ve never had a problem with “flavor/texture or quality “. Give it a try once and see what you think.
Your reply was spot on and clearly answered the question…”although there may be a loss of quality due to the moisture lost through thawing.”
And @LMichaels already answered his own question about separating the point and flat and cooking as separate pieces as he pointed out others in another forum do it with good results.
Your reply was spot on and clearly answered the question…”although there may be a loss of quality due to the moisture lost through thawing.”
And @LMichaels already answered his own question about separating the point and flat and cooking as separate pieces as he pointed out others in another forum do it with good results.
Actually the cooking both same time but separately, yeah seemed straightforward to me and will be an option I may also put to use. As well as possibly making pastrami, but honestly my main concern was if I separate the flat off that frozen packer I have, then grind it to burger, then package and freeze that would it be bad quality. Since we cannot use that much ground beef at one time. Bottom line I did not want to do it to this particular packer since it's now relaxing in my freezer :D
If it would be compromised by that treatment, I will make a different choice. I.E., cook attached to the point, Separate and cook separately but tat same time as point, or learn how to make it to pastrami and begin that process so as not to refreeze it (either whole or ground).
Not to steal from Larry's thunder but I love pastrami too! With help from my Son, I think we could come close to finishing one before I could get it packaged. I have a flat in the freezer that I aim to pull and do more pastrami.


