Olive Tree Smoke Wood

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Tomas Bjornerback

TVWBB Member

I just got back from a one week holiday in Crete, Greece (I live in Sweden) with my 14 month-old and my fianc?e.

Boy, was it lovely to do a change of environment! It actually snowed at home the day before our departure and we had lovely weather in Crete, except for some cleansing rain that freshened the air.

We rented and drove a small Citroen C3 around the island and my mind was totally in vacation mode, until the last day when the wheels began to move again...

I realised that I was on an island with millions of olive trees, and they consist of olive tree wood, and peculiar woods are what make my meat taste so good in the WSM...

I took a walk that combined getting my son to sleep with finding a few twigs of olive tree wood, and when I was about to give up, I found a decent log on the road side! (pictures are available on my bbq-site, link in my signature, click on "Smoke wood")

The x-ray operator at the airport actually scanned my luggage twice, with a confused look on his face, before he let me pass to the check-in. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

My question(s):
Have anyone tried olive tree wood as smoke wood, or is this on "the cutting edge"? /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
What kind of meat would you recommend?

My thoughts:
I got excellent Moussaka (Greek traditional dish) on the trip. It consists of (amongst other things) ground meat. I was thinking about smoking the ground meat in the Moussaka... Any comments?

Nice to be back!

Olive wood is an excellent smoking wood!!! It's like pecan.

Try it with lamb (of course), chicken and pork.

Here in the states, it is very difficult to get (maybe not so hard in California) because of the lack of olive trees. I've has the pleasure of using it several times and it adds a very Mediterranean flavor.

Try it with (soaked) thyme branches and grapevines. Very aromatic and imparts great flavor.
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