old weber kettle whats it worth?



TVWBB Super Fan
I found an old weber kettle on a metal cart. It looks like wrought iron, has a mesh bottom, wood block on top and a tray the width of cart close to the cart handles.
Looks like its a greenish color cart and the kettle looks dark in color.
Any ideas what it would be valued at?
It's reminiscent of the Seville, but not a match to the 1967 catalog photo. Maybe a Weber kettle retrofitted to a different cart?
Al, I don't have a clue what its worth, but if that was mine I would refinish the cart in bright red
or a gloss burgundy color. The wood board looks like it could be sanded and take an oil finish. The
spot on the end looks like a place for flowers, whatcha gonna plant?
Yep the cart is different..... and not sure if the wood is fixed or not.

They have it with a bunch of old porch furniture as a bundle. Seeing if the will sell it separate.
I think I'd blast it and paint it like that Bob maybe in a burgundy color, then plant some herbs in the kettle. Refinish the wood for a cutting spot for the fresh herbs.
I'll keep you posted.....
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I don't know much about old Webers, but that sure looks like someone took a patio serving cart and cut a hole in it to me.
buy the lot
with the rest of the patio furniture
i think $500 is over priced just to get the seville
but the matching furniture is really rare if you collect furniture lol
they were sold in sets including bbq

