Not much Rancher left


Dave L.

I only have nine bags of Rancher charcoal left. I want to make them last as long as possible and start using lump. Do you think it is better to use it only on the WSM and use lump on the kettle or vice versa? Or does it matter because they have different characteristics?
you can use them both whenever and wherever you want! some people mix the two together!

Windy City Smokers
I'm no expert but I like using lump in the kettle and a mixture in the wsm. With the wsm I'll fill the ring with briquettes first and then dump some of the small, crunched up lump on top. When I give it a little shake it will drop down and fill in a lot of the cracks making a tightly packed ring of charcoal. I'm not sure if it burns better, or hotter, or longer, or anything for that matter, but I feel better using up all the lump with some sort of purpose.
The small lump is also great for increasing temps in a hurry.
Down to 12.5 bags, started mixing it with lump. I use it for both grilling and smoking.
I am down to nine bags as well. Got plenty of cold beer though, well at least for tonight anyway. We finally saw the sun for the first time in about two weeks. For a while there I thought I moved to Seattle, but with no rain though.
Guess I'll have to breakdown and buy some lump.
I have about 18 bags left. I only use for mostly over night cooks, or cooking a turkey on the WSM. For grilling, I just go out and buy whatever other brand of charcoal I need. I'm trying to make my Ranchers last for a long time.
Y'all are lucky. I'm down to 4 bags. Considering buying a whole pallet from the company. Guy said he could ship it to me for about $9 a bag. Anyone in the North Alabama area interested in sharing?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dave L.:
I only have nine bags of Rancher charcoal left. I want to make them last as long as possible and start using lump. Do you think it is better to use it only on the WSM and use lump on the kettle or vice versa? Or does it matter because they have different characteristics? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
I had 40+ bags of Rancher at one point, but have been out for almost a year now. I bought them when they were just $1.99 a bag. Really good stuff for a briq, not quite as good as Maple Leaf Briqs, but very close. I'm a lump head, as you prob know... That said I'd save the rancher for long cooks on the WSM and use lump for the grill. Yes to mixing the two for use in the WSM, you'll make the Rancher last longer. If you can get good lump locally, then burn up the Rancher, and don't fret it. I'd take a good lump over a good briq anyday, but that's just me. HTH
I have about 15 bags left from that $1.99 days. I use Royal Oak in the kettle and save the Rancher for the WSM. Should last well into next season for me and then it's probably back to the K.
I take it that Rancher isn't coming back at those prices? I missed the Rancher deals. Can you buy Rancher anywhere even at higher prices or did they go under?
I believe they are pretty much in the South/SE region. Home Depot carried it on a trial/special deal for Memorial day last year. I dont think Kingsford was happy, their sales went down 28% if I recall. Kingsford saw this, and now the new natural K briquette. When Rancher was $3/bag for 20 lbs, what a deal. I had almost 1000/lbs in my garage. I now have 1 bag left. My garage looks great though w/ all the space.

