Non Pepper Based Rubs???


John Solodar

New member
Most of the rubs are highly pepper based (paprika, chile powder, cayenne, black pepper, etc.).

My wife can't tolerate too much pepper.

Anyone have any suggestions for non pepper based or perhaps just a low pepper rub?

I know, cut back on pepper, but what to replace with?


John, you have the answer...just cut the pepper to her comfort level.

When I plan a rub, I start with salt and black pepper. Sometimes no salt. I would take a good rub recipe and cut the black pepper in half. (Skip any chili pepper recipe) Paprika basically adds color in most recipes. Don't need it. If she doesn't like heat cut the cayenne out entirely. The remaining peppers I would cut in half like you did for the black pepper.
For Hot Nuts Rub reduce the pepper content as follows:
use 1 T black pepper
2 T ancho pepper
(Just cut the other peppers out-allepo, cascabel, guajillo)

For Doll's Rub reduce the pepper content to the following:
1T black pepper
1 ancho pepper
1 guajillo pepper
(no allepo)

Those would be a good starting point.
The full recipe for Hot Nuts Rub and Doll's Rub are in the rub recipe section.
Hope that gets you started.

Google: Pensey chili pepper for scoville units of many different peppers.
It could depend on what meat you're trying to cook.

I've never done an Asian-themed "rub" - but I've done ribs with a light dusting of Ginger, Granulated Onion, a bit of salt, Garlic, and a pinch of Saigon Cinnamon (could try a shot of 5-spice). Those flavors mingle well with pork, and do not need / contain much pepper.

Come to think of it, I need to pick-up a good Asian-themed cook book, and get inspired. I know that several people on this board have shown some great SE Asian cooks - I think that Gary H. has submitted some that look really good.
John, I hope I helped. Sometimes my cryptic writing style gets in the way. My comments have been edited to make them more clear.

