No More Ground Pork??


Charles Howse

TVWBB Wizard
Just sent the wife out to get some ground pork to try Chris's meatloaf recipe.
She called and said the butcher at Kroger told her they were no longer allowed to grind pork due to the "Mad Cow" thing.

Can anyone verify this?
I'm going with all ground cuck, btw.
Geeze, that does sound strange. I wonder if they want to move to seperate grinders to avoid possible cross-contamination??? That's probably a stretch though.

I bet the person who told your wife that was confused.

That whole mad cow thing ... when I stopped listening to it it had turned into a real soap opera, with fingers pointing back and forth accross the border.

Something like: a single cow was found in Alberta that came from the US originally but was fed with Canadian feed that may have included some ground cattle that came from the US but were imported from Canada but who's lineage was in the US and the owner was a ex Canadian turned US citizen .... blah, blah, blah ... I gave up

Though it hurt our economy huge, I got some GREAT deals on beef for a while
Most grocery stores will only grind beef on premises. The ground pork and lamb come in already packaged. Also, they will only tenderize beef on premises for you. This is what has been standard practice around here for a while. If your store doesn't carry these already prepackaged ground meats, request they get them ordered. The major pork companies like Swift, make and package ground pork products for distribution.
Originally posted by Jane Cherry:
Most grocery stores will only grind beef on premises. The ground pork and lamb come in already packaged. Also, they will only tenderize beef on premises for you. This is what has been standard practice around here for a while. If your store doesn't carry these already prepackaged ground meats, request they get them ordered. The major pork companies like Swift, make and package ground pork products for distribution.
Do they get it in bulk then portion in their own packaging Jane? Just wondering ... around Calgary the ground pork is usually in store packaging. I assumed that meant the grind was done on site. I'll have to ask my butcher buddy sometime.
It depends on the store. At Albertson's, it comes in with the other company's packaging. At another market, it's in their packaging, and I don't know if they grind it in the back, or it comes in bulk and they weigh it themselves. I'll have to ask, Safeway I also believe gets it in already packaged.

Usually at more upscale stores, with a full on meat department with counter and butchers who will do anything you ask, I get my veal ground to order from the stew meat. Same price per pound. They have all the ground lamb and pork in bulk in the case, packaged to what you order in paper.

You can always do it yourself with a Cuisinart. Small batches, partially frozen meat with the 'S' blade works really well. For Tartar, you always have to chop by hand. The blade will destroy the texture.
I'll give the manager a call soon about that.

As far as the meatloaf recipe goes, I wonder if a pound of pork sausage would suffice? I bet it would.

Yo!!! I'm a "Super Fan" now!! Wheee!!
Well, in these parts all stores carry prepackaged ground meat. Some have "store wrapped" packs, but it may be the same stuff.

Jane, as for butchers, they don't exist around here. You may get a steak cut off a whole rib or tenderloin, but that's about it. There is no such thing as veal, for the most part.

Last year, I tried to order veal for a dinner party. Nope, nada, nuthin', zip. Albertson's, Kroger's, nobody would order it. If it isn't an item they carry, they won't order it.
Originally posted by Charles Howse:
I'll give the manager a call soon about that.

As far as the meatloaf recipe goes, I wonder if a pound of pork sausage would suffice? I bet it would.

Yo!!! I'm a "Super Fan" now!! Wheee!!
Yeah, pork sausage would probably do all right. You might find bulk sausage meat in a tray pack (not in casings). Just watch out for the salt and maybe fat levels. Like if you are mixing it with GB, choose lean or extra lean GB instead of regular.

Congrats on the Super Fan designation Charles
Got a Kitchen Aid? If you do get the grinder attachment, I grind my own. Much safer and you can control the fat content, and the "other" meat content going in the grind. My sausage don't contain any questionable by-products, I know exactley what goes in.
I should check out that Kitchen Aid attachment. I know there are several things you can get, but that grinder sounds great. I looked at it before, but never pulled the trigger yet. Mybe off to Amazon I go!
I use mine all the time. I watch for meat sales on beer roasts and I get higher quality and much cheaper hamburger just grinding the roasts (chuck is best). I use it for coarse grinding beef for chili. Pork shoulder is usually 69-99 cents a pound so adding a few minutes of effort it's real cheap ground pork.

