No Blizzard Can Stop Me


Andy W.

New member
Despite the fact that it was 65 degrees here in Denver yesterday, Mother Nature has seen fit to throw a little wrinkle in my plans to smoke 16 lbs of pork shoulder.

We now have 18 inches of snow in the forecast for today. Despite that, I got the chimney started at 7:30. With the wind, it could be a difficult day to keep the smoker under control, but that'll just make the butt taste better.

Blizard, I scoff at you.
Thanks for the good wishes.

We had our first casualty. The patio umbrella that I set up to shield the WSM broke in half under the weight of the snow (about 12" so far).

The pig, however, looks great, and despite the gusty winds, temperature is staying steady at about 230.
Pig in a (Snow) Blanket--Final Report

Despite the snow, everything went great. On Saturday night, I rubbed the pig with the Renowned Mr. Brown rub from "Smoke & Spice" and TVWB. I put my charcoal starter under the (soon-to-be-broken) patio umbrella and got a quick start. Put a Minion Method fire together in the smoker with a full ring of Kingsford and some oak and hickory chunks.

As the snow really started coming down, I developed a pretty good routine. About every two hours I would shovel snow then baste the pig. Despite the winds and snow falling on the smoker, the fire burned very consistently all day. In fact, I often have some trouble with the fire burning too low so I have a little aluminum foil doodad that I use to open up the smoker door a crack to let some more air in. After about 13 hours, the pig was up to just under 180. I foiled and put it in the oven for about an our while I put the kids to bed, then pulled pork for 45 minutes while watching Masters highlights.

Tasted great. I like to mix a little bit of vinegar sauce directly into the meat before I freeze it. Tonight I'll spend some quality time portioning it up in the Foodsaver, and I'll have great NC-style bbq pork for the next couple months.

Tonight I'll need to give the WSM a good wipe down and make sure everything is nice and dry. I'm a little concerned about rust since it got pretty wet overnight. The good news (I guess) is that it's supposed to be in the mid-70s by Wednesday. Love that Colorado weather.
Hey, Andy. I live in Longmont, CO and was q'in' on Sat before it got real ugly. It was definitely windy though.
My trick is I put my bullet under the overhang of my house just outside my garage in the driveway. I then put my very large plastic rolling garbage container on one side, and my recycle container on the other. I arrange them in a V (opposite side of my garage).
So, my garage blocks wind from one direction, and the containers from basically the other 3 directions.
However, I also then have to open up a side garage door so my garage has ventilation - otherwise a lot of the smoke hangs in the garage (think carbon monoxide).
hay I havent had a blizzard stop me yet either!!! The again the only thing i have had to BBQ through is Hurricanes!! 4 of them last year!!

