TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Normally when I do a nice ribeye I will get it on Big Z or the MM let it bask in some low to moderate heat until it reaches an internal of 105 or so pull it and tent under foil.
Last night we had some weird weather begin blowing up. So, here I am with a nice steak in Big Z clouds building and way too much time to go since the wheels of temperature change move slowly on a pellet grill. So I pressed the Wolf into service since for some high heat open lid finishing of the ribeye.
Once Wolf was screaming along pretty good, on it went. Was actually quite pleased with the result. Yeah there were "lines" which is "fine". But on steak lines are eye candy I don't have need for. I like a nice overall Maillard crust. Wolf did not disappoint here. Sorry no finished photo. Sirens were beginning and I was scrambling outside. But I did get a shot of the Wolf in action. BTW it shows how much power that thing has. I finished the steak and never put the lid down and full on high was too hot. I had to turn it back to Med/high. The other main issue I get on Wolf is it gets so blasted intensely hot the main underside of the upper grill body actually will ignite any drippings off the food and it can easily become a real conflagration. It's kinda like trying to drive a Chevette with a 427 under the hood. Fun but challenging
But when the storm sirens are sounding and you GOTTA finish a great ally

Last night we had some weird weather begin blowing up. So, here I am with a nice steak in Big Z clouds building and way too much time to go since the wheels of temperature change move slowly on a pellet grill. So I pressed the Wolf into service since for some high heat open lid finishing of the ribeye.
Once Wolf was screaming along pretty good, on it went. Was actually quite pleased with the result. Yeah there were "lines" which is "fine". But on steak lines are eye candy I don't have need for. I like a nice overall Maillard crust. Wolf did not disappoint here. Sorry no finished photo. Sirens were beginning and I was scrambling outside. But I did get a shot of the Wolf in action. BTW it shows how much power that thing has. I finished the steak and never put the lid down and full on high was too hot. I had to turn it back to Med/high. The other main issue I get on Wolf is it gets so blasted intensely hot the main underside of the upper grill body actually will ignite any drippings off the food and it can easily become a real conflagration. It's kinda like trying to drive a Chevette with a 427 under the hood. Fun but challenging