Next day brisket


S Wagner

TVWBB Member
I'm going to be having a party in a few weeks on a Saturday, and would like to make a full packer brisket. The problem is I'm going to be out of town over night the day prior, and won't be back until about 4 hours before the party starts. I was thinking that I could start it up Thursday night, pull it from the smoker Friday morning before I leave, and reheat it Saturday before the party when I get back.

The question is, do I cook it partially or fully before putting in the fridge while I'm gone? I've only done a couple briskest before, with less than ideal results. I don't want to dry it out like I have in the past, but I also want it to be ready in time.

Has anybody else had to delay a cook like this, and if so, what's your technique to get the best results?
We normally smoke to 190° then quickly cool. A couple hours in the oven at 300° with some liquid of choice covered with foil and you'll be good to go. Just probe for tender like you normally would. By the time it's tender you should be well past the 165° internal reheat temp.
Thanks for the feedback! Assuming an internal temp of 185 - 190 is "done," even if its not tender, what would be the result if I pulled it before it was done? (say 160 - 170 range) I only ask because I'll be leaving it over night, and when I wake up the next day, I'll have to pull it, and put it in the fridge, regardless of what the internal temp is. If its stalling somewhere in the 160's, will I have any problems when I reheat it in the oven the following day?
One other question, I'd like to make some burnt ends the day of. Should I separate the point and flat prior to reheating, or should I reheat the whole packer in the oven first?

