newbies first smoke


Ashley Ruthstrom

TVWBB Member
Hello everyone and thanks for letting me join the group. I just got my new 22.5 WSM put together he other night and now ready for my first smoke. Still don't know what meat I want to break her in with yet. Any thought from anyone on what I should meat I should smoke with to christen my new smoker with?
Welcome Ashley
Seems like most people break in with a pork butt. It is a simple smoke, hard to mess up, and helps build up the gunk that you are going to need on the inside of your smoker. It gives you a chance to see how the smokers is going act without spending lots of money.
Hi Ashley!

I'm a noob as well, and I'll be smoking a butt right out of the starting gate. From what I've read, they are very forgiving. I hope all goes well for you!

Sam / TN
My vote would be two nice slabs of ribs. Reason being is you are not going to be able to withstand the temptation of opening and picking at it every few hours because it will be so good. Ribs will reward sooner.
My first smoke was a slab of ribs. Second was a butterflied chicken. They both turned out great and I was able to mess with the vents and kinda start learning temperature control. Now THIS weekend, I have a request from my neighbors to do a couple butts...We'll see how they turn out! Happy Smoking!
My vote is for ribs. If you do St. Louis cut, they will be done in 5-7 hours at 225 to 250. If you do baby backs, they will take even less time. The butt can take 12+ hours, and you might be tempted to pull it off early.
Thanks to all for the replys. I think it will be ribs just cause of my time frame. So now I just need to figure out how I want to prepare them.

