Ed McDaniel
New member
My name is Ed McDaniel and I'm a BBQ nerd. I am located in central Missouri. I have also been a, the cool name today is, maker since kindergarten. I make killer BBQ spatchcock chicken.

I have a weber 22" and 26" charcoal grills. I have figured out how to control temperature with a careful synchronized ballet using the bottom and lid vents. When I am busy in the shop I have frequent interruptions to go check the temp on the BBQ. So, I started looking for a more nerdy DIY way to do things.
I recently found the Venom and it has just become available for the 26” weber which I prefer over the 22”. It is an attractive off the shelf product. I’m a maker and kept looking. I then started finding references to a thing called a HeaterMeter (HM). This is when I found TVWBB. While tracking down the HM I found out it is RaspPi based kit. PERFECTION!
I found out the kits are no longer sold in a HeaterMeter Store which also does not exist anymore. Is this true? I see a lot of posts on troubleshooting the HeaterMeter but none on building one. Is this a dead project?

I have a weber 22" and 26" charcoal grills. I have figured out how to control temperature with a careful synchronized ballet using the bottom and lid vents. When I am busy in the shop I have frequent interruptions to go check the temp on the BBQ. So, I started looking for a more nerdy DIY way to do things.
I recently found the Venom and it has just become available for the 26” weber which I prefer over the 22”. It is an attractive off the shelf product. I’m a maker and kept looking. I then started finding references to a thing called a HeaterMeter (HM). This is when I found TVWBB. While tracking down the HM I found out it is RaspPi based kit. PERFECTION!
I found out the kits are no longer sold in a HeaterMeter Store which also does not exist anymore. Is this true? I see a lot of posts on troubleshooting the HeaterMeter but none on building one. Is this a dead project?