New York > Brooklyn: Izzy's Brooklyn Smokehouse

@Brett-EDH, you laugh, but there is baked gefilte fish. Plus, it does go OK with either salsa or a spicy mayo. It even goes well with tehina! Interesting that gefilte fish always tastes better when you cover up the original taste with a condiment. NOTE: DO NOT TRY WITH CHOCOLATE SYRUP!
@Brett-EDH, you laugh, but there is baked gefilte fish. Plus, it does go OK with either salsa or a spicy mayo. It even goes well with tehina! Interesting that gefilte fish always tastes better when you cover up the original taste with a condiment. NOTE: DO NOT TRY WITH CHOCOLATE SYRUP!
I’ll save my Ubets for it’s intended purpose. Baked fresh gefilte is good. I prefer it this way than in a jar, jellied. I bet the Benihana spicy white sauce tastes good on it.

