"new" WSM work station


Mike Pypiak

TVWBB Member
Had an old grill that I have been meaning to have bulk trash come scoop up for me... the other night after a few beers I got to thinking that this could be a great addition to my new 14.5!

Not earning any style points here but thought I'd share:

"new" stand for my wsm by pypiak23, on Flickr

Allows me to move it now if needed, and also should allow me to do some cooks on my back deck - I have a much better view from back here than out front on my cement porch!

IMAG0264 by pypiak23, on Flickr
Very nice indeed! I agree that a few well placed pieces of plywood and you'll be safe from wind and possibly rain if you get creative.
Always great to have the ability to move....and the metal underneath is super safe. You could probably rig a nice lid holder off the unused left side struts. That is a nice view , too.

