New WSM results +Question(long)

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Steve Mayer

I have found smoking bliss! Got a WSM for father's day after the family was having BBQ withdrawal(my NBBD rusted out after about 5 years). I liked the offset but temp control was difficult. After visiting this forum I was decided to go the "smokey mountain way".

I did a midnight brisket for my first cook(Minion Method)with great results last night and now have a 12# turkey almost ready to come off.
I can not believe how steady the temps are on the WSM!!!

Question -The accrss door twist knob locks up and the locking device does not move freely. I needed to back off the nut under the knob several times to either replace the door or open it. Is there a fix for this??

Note to Chris - This site is awesome!

Welcome to the site! Congrads on the success of your first cook! I also think the knob on the access door is a pain in the butt...if there is a fix for it Chris will know...a search of WSM modifications might turn up something...I'll take a look later and see if I find anything.
Sounds like your having a blast!
Mine's never been stuck, but I do make it a practice to always turn the knob clockwise, so it doesn't get loose.
Thanks for your ideas!
Larry - I will try the WD 40

Doug - I am turning it clockwise and the knob tightens the latch

Looking forward to some great meals from the WSM!
Mine fouled up like that too not long after a purchased it. WD40 did the trick. Been working great ever since. I think I'll try the clockwise thing too.

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