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i sold my offset pit this weekend and bought a WSM! I loved cooking on my pit and enjoyed dabbling in the local competitions. But at 400 lbs, it had to sit in the garage and honestly, i got tired of looking at it and moving it. i wanted something on my deck. set up the wsm yesterday and cooking a 6-7lb butt and 3 racks of bb ribs. this cooker is so low maintenance. I keep checking for something to do, and there isn't anything. I will let you know how things turn out!

Welcome! I am also new to the site...still waiting for my WSM to arrive. You will find the members here very gracious and generous with information. Sounds like your a seasoned vet with smoking. I have only had experience with my performer...not sure it's even official Q that way.
I know you will enjoy the site!
i have to admit, this is why i sold my pit and bought this. it's almost boring! that's what i was looking for though. been cooking for 5 hours. ribs are done, wrapped, and being held in the oven until dinner. the butt is still going and i am sure it is not close yet. i usually take it to 195-205 internally. i will leave it on the wsm until i loose my temp then finish it in the oven this evening. i have a polder stuck in the top vent and it seems like it is stuck at 250. this is great. i think my range for the last 5 hours has been 240 to 265 (i did have a very short lived 300 spike - less than 10 min). my average is probably 248-254. i've hardly touched the thing!
holy smokes! it is 7 oclock and this thing is still holding a temp! I opened all bottom vents and the temp shot up to 300. the butt is not done (for reasons expained above), but it has been cooking strong for 7 hours, without adding a lick of fuel! Impressive.
Hello Rick... Welcome to the site... I'm a new member also... I have really enjoyed the information offered here and the friendly atmosphere.. I know you will too.. Have a great day and cheers!!!

wow! 9:40 and i just took my butt off and put it in the oven. fire in the wsm is still burning. took the lid off, removed the water pan. hopefully this thing will burn out before bed. I still have my offset to use for a big cook I am doing next weekend. i need 4 butts. I think I am going to try and cram them in this little thing for the job. I would use alot less fuel!

9 hours of cooking on 10-12lbs of charcoal! Amazing!
Psstt... Put the lid back on. Close all the vents, top one, too-- No O2 = no fire. Save the leftovers for next time.

Glad you are liking the venerable WSM!

I just cooked up 8 butts this weekend...4 in each WSM. They will fit easily! These were all 8 lbers. You may want to lay one flat and the other put on its side. This way you can easily fit 2 butts. I have done 3 butts by standing them up. Fit easy!

Just remember, you will need more lit briqs to get up to temp.

BTW.....I used one load of fuel in each WSM this weekend....stayed at 225? for most of time......19 hours!
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