New to the WSM


Jake Jacobson

New member
I'm a stick burner by experience but bought a new WSM to try because of limited time. Well my predicament is that I've never used a water smoker before and I told my wife I could do some pulled pork for her family reunion on Saturday at 12
o p.m.. I would like to cook it Friday night while I get a good nights sleep, can't seem to say awake past 9:00 or so on Friay. Anyway any direction would be appreciated.
Well if your WSM arrived in good shape and you got it assembled OK, then there should be no problem with an overnight cook. Sounds like you've got experience - it can be nerve wracking the first time out.

Follow the instructions for the Minion method and Mr. Brown Charles linked to above. If you aim to finish around 9 AM you can hold 'til dinner time, and you'll have some extra time if the butt is stubborn. You might need an extra cup of coffee while you make sure everything settles in OK.

Or, you could do it a couple of days ahead and reheat on Saturday. That would take a lot of the pressure off!

Go for it!

