New to the forum

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Denny Kyser

New member
Hello everyone, I am ordering a WSM this weekend (or getting from local retailer) and wanted to join your forum.

Although new to the forum, not new to BBQ, I am from NW pa but spent several years in South Georgia where I got hooked on BBQ. Now all my neighbors think I am crazy up here in Pa, but they sure like my Q.

Been using Brinkmans Silver Smoker for the last couple years tired of not getting to BBQ through the colder months so breaking down to finally getting a WSM.

I hope you dont get sick of all my questions, I hope I will soon be able to help others in their quest for the perfect Q.
Welcome to the board. We try to answer questions and some of us (like me) ask at least our share. You will find the WSM so much better than an ECB.
Welcome aboard and congrats on your WSM when you get it.. I was the same as you, smoked on ECB's for 20 years. I wasn't an El Cheapo, just didn't know any better. I got mine thru That's the way to go plus by doing that it help's to support this web site.
Hi Denny. We all here are really nice folks, and when it comes to Q'ing, grillin', or just plain information on food, we all offer our knowledge and recipes.

Don't be surprised if your posts get moved from one section of the board to another, as mine many times have. Chris makes sure that all the topics are under the appropriate categories.
Chris has done a great job in posting techniques
and rcipes on the site and everyday a number of BBQ'ers are willing to give you helped needed to get you down the path.
You started BBQing in SC, they have a long tradition of bbq unique to the SE. Please feel free to pass on what you learned.
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