new to me smoker


George Curtis

TVWBB Olympian
just got from my neighbor who finds things a "c" 1880 smoker. free, though I will give him some money anyway.
have had no chance to look at it closely but from a quick look it is in more than decent shape. all parts are there.
been looking for one for almost 10 years. when I first saw it sitting near his stuff pile I near had a heart attack !
Well, the slow process of getting the 1880 into operational condition continues. Got the top lid all cleaned up and the vent working. Also got the side door all cleaned up looking like new. Today I spent most of the afternoon getting the legs off. Had to use the dremel to cut off three nuts. Then I sanded the three legs by hand till they all look shiny and clean. Also got the three lower vents loose and working. A good days work.

