New Stoker user


Ryan Ko

TVWBB Super Fan
My stoker is supposed to be here today, so I am planning my cook for the weekend. I am thinking a whole packer and maybe some spares. Any tips on getting started? I bought a wireless bridge for it, but I may not mess with that for the first cook. I am more concerned about how to load and start the charcoal (minion or not), etc.. Any help is appreciated.
Hi Ryan,

I received mine on a Friday. I unpacked it when I got home from work and had it up to temp by 8:00 pm.
Most people here seem to suggest using a minion, getting it started (I used a blowtorch) and then putting the meat in and let the stoker deal with it from there. That worked like a champ for me. I am still trying to work out the networking stuff. I am not an IT person, by any stretch.

Anyway, enjoy the smoke! You are going to love your new toy.

I found this while I was looking for some info:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> I think their are a couple of secrets to using the Stoker.
1) On low temp cooks, I just use a propane torch to light a little charcoal closest to the fan and let the Stoker fan it and bring it up to temp.
2) Start closing down the top vent as you come closer to your desired pit temp. I tend to leave it open 100% initially. When I get to about 200 (on a 230ish cook), I close it down to 50% open, and once I hit target temp, it is typically 25% - 50% open. You want to limit the natural draft and let the fan control it. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is how I did it and worked perfectly.
I don't partially close the top vent - my Stoker has no problem controlling the temps with the top vent fully open. But then, based on what I read here, I think my WSM is closer to air-tight than most, so I don't get any appreciable amount of extra air leakage that would tend to make the fire burn hotter.
Cooking a full packer will need lots of charcoal. Start with a full lit chimney. Dump that in the center then dump 2 more chimneys on that plus your flavoring wood. That should get you by.

Thanks for the tip. I usually fill and light a chimney and dump the rest of a 22# bag of unlit in the ring. When the chimney is ready I dump that on top with my smoke wood. Is there an advantage to having the lit charcoal on the bottom?
Yes. You'll get a better control of the combustion of the stuff on top. You want to start with a nice core fire and then just add plenty of fuel for the hours you need.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Do other Stoker users agree with the tips above? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
I use mine similarly. I start my cook with 8 - 10 lit briquettes dump on unlit and let the Stoker bring her up to teap. When close to temp I usually close my vent down to about 1/8 open and let Stoker do the rest.
I'd really like to hear more about closing the top vents. Last week I was smoking some ribs using the stoker. It brought my WSM up to temp (225) smoothly, and for the first hour or so it held the temp with an occasional bump of the fan. Then the sun came out, and the temp in the WSM began to climb and climb until it hit and stayed at about 275. In the last hour I tried to close the vent 1/2 way, but it was probably too late and had little impact.

I remember reading that without the stoker you should always keep the top vents 100% open (although I can't remember exactly why). What's anyone else's experience on this?

Hi Jeff
The two smokes I have done so far worked with the vents tightened up to 25% or less. With the vents open, I think too much air will get in. It seems like reducing as many variables as possible is the way to go. My last smoke got away from me a bit. I think it was because I left the top vents open too long. I even went as far to plug the eyelet holes and stuff a bit of foil around the door. The wsm door is by far the most frustrating little piece of crap I have dealt with!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">I'd really like to hear more about closing the top vents. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Jeff, I've always run my top vent about 1/8 open with my Stoker. No as you know many of our WSMs seal a bit differently so you may need to adjust yours but in my opinion, 1/8 is a pretty good place to start.

