New stoker owner

Oh, if your wireless network is limiting connections to only a defined list of MAC ID's, then yes, you should probably add the bridge's MAC ID to the list of allowed devices that can connect to your network...
Ok. Here is what I've determined the problem to be. The security settings. I'm using wpa-personal. If I disable the security I am able to view my stoker wirelessly from both my desktop and laptop. If I turn the security back on no good. I thought I was able to use wpa-personal on a flashed tomato router but there might be some glitches. I'm using wireless ethernet bridge, wpa-personal settings, aes/tkip encryption. All are correctly setup and match. Right now it looks like I would have to disable security settings each time I want to use stoker wirelessly.


Thanks Tom for your help. Greatly appreciated.
I'm with Dwight on this one. Security on wireless has so many options and variants. I use "WPA2 Personal Mixed" because it is more flexible. If you have other WPA options, try them until you hit one that works. Changing from WPA-Personal to WPA2 Personal Mixed will not affect existing allowed wireless connections.

Another thing to try is to use "mixed wireless mode" instead of a single mode. For example try 802.11b+g instead of just 802.11g. The WPA2 security model works differently depending on the mode.
Apparently this is a hiccup others are having on tomato routers as well. I'll try other settings tonite and see how it goes.
Bit the bullet and went ahead and bought a true bridge. Everything is working great! Sometimes you just have to spend the money to get what you want. New router and new bridge took all of 30 minutes to get going versus the hours I spent trying to save a few bucks. I'm happy and now my wife's happy too! Now for a few Newcastle's and to relax! Thanks all for the help.
Bob, glad you were able to get things finally working well.

I had originally thought of flashing an old router but I decided that sounded like too much work. I bought a D-Link modem that has a switch on the bottom to make it a bridge and it was pretty easy to setup (although I had to try a few times since the user manual wasn't as step-by-step as I needed).

But I was able to get it set up and tested it (not during an actual cook) and use both StokerLog and Stoker Timer to send me text messages with updates. I like the StokerLog messages except for all of the gibberish at the beginning of the text message. Stoker Timer was good as well, except for the Pit Temp was reverse of all of the other probes for Target and Actual temps.
Glad to hear you solved the problem, Bob! I have had some luck flashing a couple of routers with DD-WRT but in the end, it often isn't worth the time it takes to get everything running. The guys who write flash code and such try to give themselves as many dang options as possible which causes most normal folks headaches.

I wish the Stoker or Guru folks would make an all-in-one device that did it all. I'd love to write their requirements specifications! Plug and play. Battery option. Wireless that finds your network and configures itself appropriately. Lights that you could turn off. Simple user interface. Equally configurable from the device and the browser. Better browser application, maybe java. Just for a start! Oh well, back to cooking!
Logmein guys has a completely FREE version.Works great with the BBQ Guru Cyber 2.I now use this with the STOKER too. My reasons are that when the Stokerlog hangs or whatever. With logmein it is like being in front of that PC and can stop and restart any program.I have had the Stoker and the Cyber Q working at the same time and monitored both with logmein.Remember FREE!

