New stoker owner


bob taylor

TVWBB Member
Got it directly hooked up to laptop through cable for now and it was communicating correctly. Now I'm having a couple of problems.

1) About every other time I hook up the temp probes to stoker they will read at like 33 deg. I turn off stoker and turn back on and then they are ok.

2) under the status button on stoker log I'm getting different errors:

"telnet input stream corrupt (1).

restart stoker log then get this error:
"can't open stoker web interface 8/13/2009 4:45 pm

restart stoker log and then:

3) stoker response invalid (no control sensor tag)

thanks for your help--definitely not a computer guru here so please be patient!
More ?'s.

My stoker has the new probes with lights. I know the
blue light comes on when the fan is running but what activates the pit temp probe
and meat probe lights to activate? Are the lights supposed to be on all the time?
Thanks again
One probe showing 33 deg. Is most likely BAD. I have one probe that does it and when plug in with others makes them read funny too.See if plugging them in one at at time you can narrow down which one it is.
Seems like probe does it more when it already plugged in on stoker startup. If I plug it in after seems ok. I'll monitor that. I'm back at work now and connection is working. Not being able to connect at home must have something to do with my wireless network.

seems like to fan doesn't want to turn off I times but I guess that's a known glitch.

Which probe should show up in the control box on left corner? It seems that everytime I hook it up it changes. I thought the pit temp would show up every time there.

Sorry for all the ?'s but appreciate anyones help.
Success! for the most part.

Bought new router and setup network and then took old linksys and flashed with tomato firmware and turned it into bridge. Everything is communicating properly.

Now if only I could get rid of the unhandled exception errors in stokerlog. I have to restart it probably 2-3 times an error.

Stoker came shipped with version

Lately just been using kaytat software.

If I want to monitor it say from my cell phone do I have to use something like logmein?

guys wondering if someone can please help. I thought I had it working but-----not. First off what I'm trying to do is have my stoker hooked into the tomato router and be able to view it wirelessly from either laptop or desktop. That is possible--right? Just the stoker and router outside and everything else inside.

My primary ip on main router is My dhcp pool is to

On my tomato router I've been trying to set it up as a wireless bridge--is that what I need to do?.
I set the tomatos routers ip address to The default gateway and static dns are set to same as the main router.

I disabled dhcp on tomato router, setup ssid and security to match network and then reboot the router. I release and refresh the the main router. From here on I get stuck. I can't seem to get my network to see my tomato router. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
My wife is about ready to kill me cause I've been on this for so long

Hi Bob, You are right, you should configure the Stoker's tomato router to become a bridge. The bridge should be "invisible" on your network; in other words, when you type in the Stoker's IP address, it should connect to the bridge which will then pass the data to the Stoker. For the bridge to act in this fashion, I believe you need to set the IP address of the bridge to be the same as the Stoker so that it will appear on your network as the Stoker. You can either set the IP of the Stoker to match the Tomato bridge or configure the bridge to match the Stoker, but either way, you will have a fixed IP for the Stoker that is the same as the IP of the bridge. Hope this helps...
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by bob taylor:
Success! for the most part.

Bought new router and setup network and then took old linksys and flashed with tomato firmware and turned it into bridge. Everything is communicating properly.

Now if only I could get rid of the unhandled exception errors in stokerlog. I have to restart it probably 2-3 times an error.

Stoker came shipped with version

Lately just been using kaytat software.

If I want to monitor it say from my cell phone do I have to use something like logmein?

thanks </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bob, I changed to ver. 2.1.321 on the advice of D Casten & he hit the nail on the head....It ran for 20 hours straight with no errors at all... The longest it ran on any other firmware was about 55 mins. & then crash....
my bridge is set to So I should set my stoker ip to the same--correct? I'll try later on today.
When I go to my desktop and go to my main routers ip address I click on wireless activity. Should I see my 2nd router there at all if it's been properly installed or will it be transparent their as well?
tested at lunch today and no luck. I setup the ip of my stoker to match the ip of the tomato router. When the bridge(router) is connected to my laptop I can read it's mac address in the wireless survey tab on my desktop. Unplug from laptop and mac address drops from wireless survey tab.
Hair falling out as we speak.
Dang. Sorry you are having probs with this. What brand and model of router and what model linksys router (now bridge) are you using?

In any case try this: Turn on the bridge but don't plug any Ethernet cables into it. Go to a computer that is on your network and type into a browser's URL field. Does the bridge's configuration screen appear? If so, then the bridge is configured correctly for your network. If not, you'll have to wire the bridge to a computer and set up the SSID, encryption, preshared key, etc to match the wireless network. Once you have done that, try to connect to the unplugged bridge again. Make sure the SSID, preshared key, and encryption options match your new wireless router's values.

The next step is to connect the Stoker to your new wireless router (don't plug the Stoker directly to a computer) and see if you can connect to the Stoker that way. If you cannot then the Stoker's network configuration is not correct. You will need to modify the Stoker's IP, and subnet mask until it is visible when wired to your new router.

Once you can connect to the Stoker while it is plugged into your new wireless router, the next step is to unplug the Stoker from the router and plug it into the bridge try to connect to the Stoker wirelessly. The Stoker should connect exactly the same way as if you plugged it into your network's router.

In my case, my bridge (Buffalo Ethernet Converter) was picky so I had to make the IP addresses the same (as I mentioned in the post above) but in theory, the bridge's IP address is not relevant to the operation of the bridge since all it does is pass network traffic wirelessly. Its IP address is important for configuring it but that is all. So you might have to play around with IP addresses outside of your DHCP range (as you are doing) but make sure they do not conflict with any other computer or printer IP address on your network.
One other thing, Tomato has a variety of wireless modes: access point (AP), wireless client station (STA), wireless ethernet (WET) bridge, wireless distribution system (WDS aka wireless bridging), simultaneous AP and WDS (aka wireless repeating).

I would think that WET is the setting you might use. (I don't have Tomato; my Buffalo Ethernet Converter has two modes: Infrastructure and Ad Hoc and I am using Infrastructure.)
A friend helped me originally setup and somehow we had it making a connection. We didn't have any encrytion on. When I went back to add the encryption somehow I lost the settings. Haven't been able to get hold of him-maybe because it took us so long the first time.
I'm going to try and take encryption off and try again and see what happens.

New router is d-link dir-825 dual band and old router is linksys wrt54g.

Tried pulling up and typed in and page will not come up on either computer. I have to set up a static ip ( to the ethernet cable on the laptop and then I'm able to open on my laptop. If I remove static ip I can't open up page.

I can remove the static ip and hook up stoker to flashed router and pull it up on laptop (attached by cable) but not desktop.

Maybe I'll drink a couple of Newcastles tonite and then try again
In my experience, brown ales make network problems much easier to manage! ;-)

Make sure you can:
-Connect to the bridge while wired to the d-link;
-connect to the bridge while nothing is wired to it (e.g. wirelessly);
-connect to the Stoker while wired to the d-link;

If you can do all those things, then

-connect to the Stoker wirelessly (Stoker is the only thing plugged into the bridge).

if you cannot connect to the stoker wirelessly through the bridge then the bridge needs configuration changes of some kind.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by bob taylor:
If I want to monitor it say from my cell phone do I have to use something like logmein? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Do you want to actually see the live StokerLog chart? If so, then yeah, LogMeIn or GoToMyPC or other remote control program would be your best bet. StokerLog also has a feature that it will send text messages with the current temps. It can also send email with a picture of the charts on a regular minute intervals as well if you want.

In addition, Stoker Timers will send a text message or email of the temps on a regular time interval with or without StokerLog. I tend to use Stoker Timers to send me text messages on some frequency just because it is simple.

That said, I generally don't worry about the temps while Stoker is in charge. I guess I have confidence in the process now so I no longer feel the need to keep track of it.
So If I understand correctly:
1) hook up my bridge to my d-link router with ethernet cable on one of lan connections in back. See If it makes connection.
2) self explanatory
3) hook stoker up to d-link same as above.

by the way--thanks trying to help.
Yep, you are just trying to narrow down where the problem lives. Need to first rule out the obvious and then work from what we know... while downing frothy, cool beverages of course.
Ok. Here's what we got.
1) hooked up my bridge to back of dlink router and was able to open up ip page of tomato router.
2) hooked up stoker to back of dlink router and again able to open up ip page of stoker.
3) hooked up stoker to back of tomato router with flashed router hooked up to back of dlink and again able to open ip page.
4) disconnected tomato router and tried to connect wirelessly and was unable to it.

Narrowing it down? I hope.

All of my firewalls are turned off. Could it be i need to add some kind of mac reservaction?
Doubt MAC reservation is necessary for the Stoker to connect; it is a pretty simple device, but I think we have narrowed it down to the wireless settings in the bridge. (If you can connect a computer wirelessly, we can assume the router is configured correctly.)

I would verify all the wireless settings in the bridge actually match the settings in the router. This includes SSID, pre-shared key, encryption type, authentication, IP, subnet, default gateway, wireless mode, etc, etc... whatever else that matches the router's wireless settings. It is possible that your new router has a security technology that the Tomato firmware has not implemented so you might have to "lower" your router's encryption depth or authentication type to get the bridge to connect. You can change the IP address of the Stoker and try to connect to the new IP via the wireless bridge again (leaving the bridge's IP set where it is.)

You might also ask the Tomato folks if they can help here... just tell them what you are trying to do and let them tell you how to configure the bridge, exactly. You might consider clearing or resetting the settings back to the Tomato defaults as well.

Once you get it working, write down all the key settings or type up a document so you can remember how to set it up if need be (though you shouldn't need it.)

