On a whim a few weeks back, I picked up a Smokey Joe Silver. That extra $30 in my wallet had to go somewhere!
Used it for the first time last night to cook a couple of small steaks for the wife and I. The only charcoal I used was what was unburned from the last cook in the 22.5 OTG, which turned out to be almost half a weber chimney full! What looked like a small amount of coals sitting in the big kettle filled that little thing right up. Since it was a new grill, I put the grate and lid on, and let it "burn" for about a half hour before the steaks went on. About ten minutes later, we were "chowin' down."
Today when I got home from work, I just picked the thing up, carried it to the trash can and dumped the ashes. No more work than dumping the ash catcher from the OTG. Cool. I like this grill!!
Now I just have to get the guys in the shop to fab me up a "miniature" chimney patterned after the Weber.

Used it for the first time last night to cook a couple of small steaks for the wife and I. The only charcoal I used was what was unburned from the last cook in the 22.5 OTG, which turned out to be almost half a weber chimney full! What looked like a small amount of coals sitting in the big kettle filled that little thing right up. Since it was a new grill, I put the grate and lid on, and let it "burn" for about a half hour before the steaks went on. About ten minutes later, we were "chowin' down."
Today when I got home from work, I just picked the thing up, carried it to the trash can and dumped the ashes. No more work than dumping the ash catcher from the OTG. Cool. I like this grill!!
Now I just have to get the guys in the shop to fab me up a "miniature" chimney patterned after the Weber.
