New Raspberry Pi model coming out (leaked) - the A+

Smaller HM cases I would assume, for a HM4.3, and this would work great with a all Smd version of the HM, as well.
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Copied my comments from the other thread:
Yeah the A+ looks pretty great. I'm not sure how much the lack of an Ethernet port or second USB port is a deal killer for people. The lack of ports getting in the way opens up the flexibility in the shape of the HeaterMeter significantly though.

The larger question about these is if they're going to produce them in any quantity or will they be as scarce as the original Model A, which is to say "good luck finding one".
Welp I was hoping that in a day or so the shipping price would go down. Was
1 unit $9.99 shipping
2 units $7 shipping each
3 units $5.33 shipping each
4 units $4 shipping each
10 units = free shipping!

Instead they just went out of stock until mid-December.

