New Pizza Stone


Robert McGee

TVWBB Gold Member
Looking to replace my pizza stone (which cracked after my recent pizza on the grill: I started doing some research on the web.

I had thought that I might be happier with a Lodge cast iron pan or a Pizza Steel. However, I learned that might not be the best choice for a charcoal grill. I finally settled on a Cuchina Pro from Amazon:

It is nearly twice as thick as my previous stone so, hopefully, it will be more resistant to thermal shock (which is what causes most stones to crack on a charcoal grill). The price is quite reasonable and it gets great reviews. I'll post pics and a review of my next cook. I've had EXCELLENT results from my old stone, so that shouldn't change...

Keep on smokin',
Keep on mind that I am NOT an expert on pizza stone/steel materials. However, I spent about three hours reviewing everything I could find on the matter.

In SOME home ovens, the pizza steel is the answer - preferable is the 1/2" thick one. However, this dude can weigh as much as forty lbs. That alone presents a problem for me. Anything thinner transmits heat too fast and with the temps that we find inside a charcoal kettle will tend to burn the bottom before the top is finished. If the temp is over about 550 degrees (and I suspect mine will be) the same problem can be had with the 1/2" steel. Further is the cost (some get over a $100.00 for the thicker steel).

The cast iron pan is considerably thinner than 1/2" and has close to the same heat conductivity as the steel. So, that didn't make the grade for me.

I had perfect results with my stone until it failed. So, I tend to be biased towards a stone. The stone I selected is about twice the thickness of my original stone and can handle higher temps than I am likely to get.

Now, don't take any of this as gospel. It's just the way I went and why. By the way, I also ordered an infrared thermometer so I'll be able to point it at the stone surface to see what my temperature REALLY is. Of course, I will share what I learn as I go (if you can stand it:rolleyes:).

My stone and thermometer will be delivered Wednesday and within a day or so I will be doing another pizza.

Keep on smokin',
Thank you for your thoughts Robert, and yours too Todd :)

I'm not in the market (my stone hasn't cracked yet :) ), but I try to pay attention.
Nate, if you're considering a pizza steel you might want to check out a local steel supplier or welder shop - steel is a commodity and is priced accordingly, until it's been turned into a product. They (the ones around me that I've shopped at anyway) have racks & stacks of various sizes & thicknesses.... scroll to the last 2 pics of this post to see what I mean.

