New OTG or ?


Chris in Mi

TVWBB Member
Background: I grew up using charcoal grills, one being an old kettle (pre-one touch-3 vents on bottom half). And with my current method of getting the chimney starter going (bacon grease on paper towel-so far works very well!) for my WSM, am not to worried about wait times for the KBB to be ready.

I am seriously looking at a 22" OTG, but have wondered if it is worth the extra for a performer due to being a little more stable (but really how much more stable?). If so, it would probably be the Performer Silver. But I am also willing to use an aluminum roll top table to use grill side if I do go with the OTG (have 2 in the travel trailer). We also have a box store gas grill that will be used sparingly due to the grates being in rough shape. Eventually we will replace the gas grill with a nice model, maybe the next season or two???. I have looked into new grates for the old gasser, but unless I just go with some generic chrome steel ones, it isn't worth it ($36 compared to $100 for stock replacement porcelain coated CI!) Plus the burner "tents" are showing their age, maybe a year or two left! I may get the cheap grates anyway for the quick grilling.

One thing I read was the Performers are a little taller, but the specs show only about about 1.5" for the Gold/Platinum, but 3.5" for the Silver over a OTG.

So you guys/gals think it is worth getting the kettle, and if so, which one due to a new gasser within the next year or so. At that time the gasser will see the "need the grill ready 10 minutes ago!" duty, and the kettle for the "planned" duty.

Originally I was going with a 22" OTS, but after reading a few threads here and a couple other places about ashes possibly being blown out of the "frisbee pan", that made the decision easy!

I have considered used, but 99.9% are all OTS's! Though if still available there was a OTG for about 1/2 price + gas/time, and a Platinum for about 1/3 + gas/time. Just can't try to go until at least Thu!

Thank you and sorry for the rambling!
OK, I've had the old 3 vent myself, and now I have a Performer and I'd hate to go back. I just picked up an 18 1/2 for my son, and forgot how awkward they are to move. I didn't realize how much I love my Performer for just that reason. I just checked out the Performer Silver, and like the folding table idea. Just saying I'd never go back to the 2 wheel for the 21"
Chris have you even considered getting the 26.75 kettle? Imho the 26 is the best overall grill Weber has ever made, it is basically a 26" master touch.
Chris have you even considered getting the 26.75 kettle? Imho the 26 is the best overall grill Weber has ever made, it is basically a 26" master touch.

Noe is right - they are great...I've had one for two years and have used it exactly three times (long story). But you seem to be approaching this purchase from a price conscious point of view, and the 26.75 may not be the choice for you. One - you run across them used once per thousand or more OTS/OTGs, and two - though they're not $1k like the Ranch kettle, they're quite expensive new ($299). Used I typically see them $150-$175 and they go rather quick at either price.
Chris, you already have kettle experience, so you are the best advisor for what you should do. If you enjoyed using a stand alone kettle before, you likely will again. If you thought it was unstable, then a performer would be a better bet. As for the blowing ashes, again, your prior experience with an open ash catcher will help you decide if it is worth it to buy an new OTG over a used OTS. Personally, I like the performer because it is convenient to always have a table next to a grill I use 4-5 days a week, whether I think I'll need the table or not.
I went with the 22 OTG because the other webers mentioned were not in the price range. I have loved it!! I like the ash catcher a lot- makes clean up super easy. I think it is stable enough. Mine is on my front porch where I get a ton of wind and haven't had a problem.
I got rid of my OTS because of the fire danger where I live. I bought a performer platinum off of CL and can't believe the difference. The gas start and ash catcher, table, added height just make it perfect. But of course YMMV.
Not much to add to what others have said. I also love the performer and the ease of moving around and storing charcoal. If you keep looking, you will come across them for sale. If not and you decide to go with the OT, and you find one of those OTS, you can always add the ash catcher to it and make it a OTG. IF you find a good deal, it would probably be cost efficient
TY guys!

I am not looking to spend a ton, as I anticipate a new gas grill down the road as well. The hard part is convincing the better half why we need 2 GRILLS, AND the smoker! Lol I do like a side burner to use for when it is hot a heck out, so we don't add any unnecessary heat inside the house.

It has been a long time since I used a kettle, though I have done ok so far with the WSM!

That brings up another thing I have seriously considered, is using the WSM as a grill. I know it isn't perfect, but can be set up a couple different ways. Including the "brackets" from Rock's BBQ. I just thought the lower vent control would be easier on a kettle with the one touch compared to the WSM. If I set it up as an egg, I think I will use aluminum table for it to sit on. I also have a set of charcoal baskets I can use in place of the charcoal ring.

