New Knife Set


Ira Marks

TVWBB Member
I'd like to replace my odd assortment of old knives with a new set for q'ing prep and general kitchen work. Should be easy to sharpen and come with a storage block. Any suggestions?


Ira, it's really tuff to reccomend a set, knives are such a personal thing. My best advice would be to go out and hold/handle as many different knives and brands as possible to find out what feels good to you and what fits your hand the best. I have several diff brands of knives as I pick and choose the best fit and feel to me. I have 2 Wustof Grand Prix, 2 Forschner, 1 Kasumi, 1 Porsche, 1 Al Mar, and 1 Shun. Based on what I have handled and have used over the years, if you really want a set of all the same, I can only reccomend one brand. This is just my personal experience and preference and that would be the Shun Classic. I know some here like the Alton Brown angle Shun, but I didn't like them when I tried them out, just my opinion and preference. HTH
I agree with Bryan. I bought my first Shun Steel, which is the Classic but with a stainless handle in December. I now have six. They are a little pricey, but I consider them an investment. If interested, watch Amazon. I think they are discontinuing the Shun Steel line and mine were discounted at almost 70% off.

Got the Walnut Mag Block via USPS today and had to work second shift. About 3 Budweisers and 1/2 of SRVs greatest hits CD later I got them mounted level and square. Worst part was waiting to charge up the drill battery.

You might want to consider purchasing a Mag Block or magnetic knife bar and buying the top priority knives(8 or 10" chefs, paring, etc) and add to your collection in time.

Brandon, how do you like your mag block!? I got the cherry one to go with my kitchen cabinets, lovin it! Now all I need is a set of knives like yours to go on it
(Waiting for my tax refund!) I'll probably go with Forschners though for my first set, I like the 8" chefs knife I already have.
Best $42.50 spent! I can't believe how strong the magnet is. These Shuns are some of my tax refund bud. Forschners are good knives. I will be adding a Forschners semi stiff boning knife. I've seen the Shun boning knife drop down to $50 but its not flexible.

Watch the Shun knives. When they drop, get one. You won't be disappointed. The angled 4" paring knives above were $31 each shipped
Are your handles actualy black like the ones on amazon? Is it just the color of your walls I'm seeing? They look almost like a dark copper (maybe its my moniter) Looks like you may have zebra print wallpaper too

edit: If I go spending $100+ plus on a knife how can I justify complaining about my wife buying $100 pairs of shoes
Just run it by her at dinnertime

They are a brushed stainless handle and a one piece construction. Same blade as on the Pakka Wood(black) handles.

Here is the collection. Right now, none are within range. They are funny with their pricing, it changes daily. Good things come to those that wait
FWIW, the most I paid was $80 for the 10" chefs
Thanks man, I bookmarked that page and I'll check in daily. I searched the Shun Steel and I didnt think they were the same handles you had, (just a reflection). I'll keep an eye out as I still have some room on my amazon card that I plan to pay off when I get my tax return. I do have an order going at cutlery and more though, 5 Forschners for under $150, its going to be a hard decision...
Cutlery and More had some good deals on the Shun "Alton's Angles". You might want to check them out too. I have a Japanese steel problem
edit: If I go spending $100+ plus on a knife how can I justify complaining about my wife buying $100 pairs of shoes

tell her she can use the knives...
but that won't really work if you use her shoes?!?

ps i got the wife the alton angle set from amazon for $200 (that she still hasn't used yet). unbelievable deal! it is the same set that cutlery and more has for $300, but they give you a free steel, too.
The honing steel is something to consider. There is a section cut out of the handle so you can align your blade at the 16 degree bevel of the Shuns.
I found the Alton's angle set on Cutlery and More for 300, but not on Amazon, you may have bought the last one at that blow out price.

I think considering my skill level in the kitchen, the Forschners are going to be the way I go. Consider it a training set, I can also train my wife not to put them in the dishwasher :P
Just to add my dollar-three-ninety-five, I have the Shun Classics, and some Forschners, and the wife has a set of Cutco's and if you ignore the money, the Shun's are the best hands down!
OK, you've convinced me to buy Shun. What are 6 of the most desireable models and is there a storage block for them, and who's got the best deals?

To all, thanks again.


1. 8 or 10" chefs
2. paring
3. boning
4. slicer
5. 6" chefs
6. bread

I am interested in how others would prioritize. After 3 its a toss up.
Originally posted by Brandon A:
I found the Alton's angle set on Cutlery and More for 300, but not on Amazon, you may have bought the last one at that blow out price.

I think considering my skill level in the kitchen, the Forschners are going to be the way I go. Consider it a training set, I can also train my wife not to put them in the dishwasher :P

sorry 'bout that. i shoulda specified that it was back in the end of november.

amazon has a friday sale and has some of the all-steel shuns included.

collection here here is the collection to see all the prices

8" chef's $79.99
6" chef's $69.99
7" wide santoku $99.99
8" carving $84.99
8" offset bread $99.99
7 3/4" chinese chef's $119.99

