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TVWBB Member

I recently got into BBQ and was referred here by a fellow homebrewer from the Nortern Brewer forum. I dont have a WSM but you guys and gals are such a great resource I had to join in. I have a Brinkman all in one smoker that has given some good results. I love my digital camera... im a big pictures fan and here are some of my smoking endeavours so far. Enjoy! Ill be around!

WELCOME BRENT, Great lookiing pisc there. We'll try not to bust on you too hard for owning a Brinkman
Jusk kidding it's all about the Q here and sharing new ideas new/great products and great recipes. Have fun, Bryan

Edit: I forgot to mention i also started out with a brinkman over 20 years ago
Welcome to the forum. Just because you don't have a WSM doesn't mean you can't produce quality bbq. I had a Brinkmann to start out with and still have it. I use both the Brinkmann and the WSM when I want to do alot of bbq. The only difference is the control. The WSM is alot easier to work, but the end results are going to be the same. The rubs, brines, marinates, meats, woods, and fuels are all the same. When you decide to move up to a WSM this is the place to learn. There are no secrets. We tell all. We love to brag.
Nice pics brent, however, I don't seem a smoke ring on the ribs, or the butt or the brisket!! I bet if you had a WSM you would see a real nice ring O' Smoke!! Dump that ECB and join the fanatics!! Welcome aboard man!!
I would like to welcome you also. I, in fact am cooking on the gasser tonight some beer can chicken. Not on my beloved WSM but on the Charbroil grill that came with the house i just bought. Works well, in fact the steaks I grilled last night were darn good. Even the old WSM cant cook a steak as well as a gasser in my mind. So dont dispair, and buy a WSM and then your Q'n will be just awesome. I promise.
Welcome aboard!
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