Hi guys - I have a HeaterMeter v4.3.5 (and RPi 3b+) that I built last week. Everything works great except for the servo on the adapt-a-damper. I have followed the following threads trying to diagnose the issue with no luck.
I have similar issues as the above threads but no strange readings on the Q5 mofset or anywhere in the 5V circuit. I am able to run the HM without the servo installed and everything works fine. When I wire up the servo and power up the HM the RPi loses power when I increase the blower percentage above zero. The HM display dims slightly and displays negative temperatures even when there aren't any probes connected. Could the issue be that the RPi 3B+ is drawing too much causing it to brownout when I connect the servo? I am using the Triad Magnetics WSU120-1000 for my power supply. What else do you guys suggest I try?

Servo troubleshoot
Hey guys, I just made a Heatermeter 4.3! Everything is working except the servo.. :confused: I was hoping some of you could give me a hand troubleshooting my issue. Raspberry Pi 3 B Power Supply (Same brand as suggested) 2A Servo MG90D Blower 15cfm (works properly) I know the MG90D is working...

I have similar issues as the above threads but no strange readings on the Q5 mofset or anywhere in the 5V circuit. I am able to run the HM without the servo installed and everything works fine. When I wire up the servo and power up the HM the RPi loses power when I increase the blower percentage above zero. The HM display dims slightly and displays negative temperatures even when there aren't any probes connected. Could the issue be that the RPi 3B+ is drawing too much causing it to brownout when I connect the servo? I am using the Triad Magnetics WSU120-1000 for my power supply. What else do you guys suggest I try?