New guy in the UK thinking about getting first Weber.


Dave Stevens

TVWBB Member

Up until now, I've just been grilling on a makeshift hibachi style using a black and decker workbench, a baking tray, an oven rack and some bricks. Unsophisticated I know, but the old B&D barbecue-mate has served me proud!

But now I'm thinking that I'm missing something by not having a lid and am excited about trying some low and slow cooking. I have loads of questions but at the moment I'm just choosing the grill.

I can't really see past the 57cm weber one touch premium with the hinged grate. Any reasons not to go for this?

My brother lives near Boston, he has a char-griller that he likes. But for some reason the kettle appeals. Anything else I should consider for the money? (£157)



You won't go wrong with the 57cm/22.5in kettle - the versatility is enormous - a better grilling experience than you're used to.

You might want to check out eBay - quiet a few good 57cm bargains to be had - you may even get lucky and find a Performer for not much more

Good luck
Hi Dave
I have had a 57/22.5" kettle for two years, and it is a very versatile piece of equipment. You can a wide range of both grilling and smoking with it. Buy the kettle and start experimenting with what you find her on TVWBB and you will have almost unlimited amount of good food and fun cooking.

One warning, a kettle and TVWBB is a dangerous combo for weak souls... You may become addictive
Thanks everyone. The cheapest i can find the Premium new is £157. I can get the standard for around £90 and then buy the hinged grate but obviously it won't have the premiums ash pan or the thermometer.

Which way to go?
I find the ash pan very usefull, would not have bought one without. But it depends on your bugdet.
Thanks Svein.

They're both within budget, I'm currently looking at a deal that has the chimney starter, grey vinyl cover and a 12" t brush for £185. Seems a pretty good price.

That's probably the way I'll go.

What about fuel? I've always used FSC lumpwood in the past, but do you guys normally use briquettes for low slow cooking?
Mmmmm, ribs!

I guess the lid thermometer won't give me an accurate reading for the temp at the grate - are there any cheap thermometers that I can use? I've heard of the Maverick ET-jobby and can appreciate that having a probe in the meat during cooking would be really useful but it's too pricey at the moment. Are the any simple alternatives?


I found that after an hour or so, the temperature at the lid thermometer is very close to the temperature of the thermometer I have at grate level. So for l&s cooking, the lid therm is close enough. Once you get used to how the thing cooks, save yourself the coin for the Maverick and just buy a cheap oven therm for grate level. Then soon, you won't even use that. But that's my view on it.
Just ordered the 57cm Premium model, very exciting! What to cook first??

You will be really happy with the Weber!! With indirect cooking, I would probably try the chicken first. But really even steaks are something that I'll sear and then finish on the "cool" side of the grill. Have fun!
I found that after an hour or so, the temperature at the lid thermometer is very close to the temperature of the thermometer I have at grate level. So for l&s cooking, the lid therm is close enough. Once you get used to how the thing cooks, save yourself the coin for the Maverick and just buy a cheap oven therm for grate level. Then soon, you won't even use that. But that's my view on it.

Thanks Colin, that's really helpful.
congrats ! and yes, you can do just about everything on the kettle. just start reading and cooking. you will find that it all comes together in a short time.
Welcome. Did chicken thighs direct on my Smokey Joe last weekend and girlfriend was blown away how much better/tastier than gas using regular old Kingsford. Be warned, this stuff is addictive...

