New guy here, just took delivery of my first gasser (ever), a Genesis Silver A from craigslist seller who bought it new around 2001. It's in very tidy condition all things considered, though he had recoated the lid with high temp flat black paint a few times, something I feel I can and should remove. Frame is shiny and virtually rust-free. Cast iron grates are well used but not used up.
I've got 3 other Weber grills: 14" Smoky Joe purchased new in 2002, 22.5 dunno what it's called- (the green kettle with the big side table and enclosed ash catcher no gas ignition), conveyed with the house when we moved in, and an 18" one-touch with the little ash pan that was being discarded by a neighbor.
Because the biggest car we have is a four door sedan, I had to substantially disassemble the grill to get it home:
[/url]Untitled by John Evans, on Flickr[/IMG]
Went back together in a jiffy and did the first cook with some drumsticks and shrimps. Lit with the first push of the button, too, bonus that! The thermocouple shows an oven temp of about 550 Fahrenheit degrees when fully cranked. Cooked the chicken drums on the back burner with just the front burner lit and did the shrimps on a grill topper with both burners full tilt.
[/url]Untitled by John Evans, on Flickr[/IMG]
Looking forward to learning more about cooking with gas and getting one of those drop-in cast iron griddles for easy breakfast stuff. It's going to be fun!
I've got 3 other Weber grills: 14" Smoky Joe purchased new in 2002, 22.5 dunno what it's called- (the green kettle with the big side table and enclosed ash catcher no gas ignition), conveyed with the house when we moved in, and an 18" one-touch with the little ash pan that was being discarded by a neighbor.
Because the biggest car we have is a four door sedan, I had to substantially disassemble the grill to get it home:
Went back together in a jiffy and did the first cook with some drumsticks and shrimps. Lit with the first push of the button, too, bonus that! The thermocouple shows an oven temp of about 550 Fahrenheit degrees when fully cranked. Cooked the chicken drums on the back burner with just the front burner lit and did the shrimps on a grill topper with both burners full tilt.
Looking forward to learning more about cooking with gas and getting one of those drop-in cast iron griddles for easy breakfast stuff. It's going to be fun!