New colors for 2015

I would love to see yellow ('73-'78 yellow) make a comeback. However, it has cadmium in it and its chances of returning are as about as high as bright red making a comeback. :(
I would love to see yellow ('73-'78 yellow) make a comeback. However, it has cadmium in it and its chances of returning are as about as high as bright red making a comeback. :(

red M&M's made it back, lime green kettles made it back.

i too would love to see yellow make it back!
UK guys, can you confirm this?

it seems all the ivory kettles sold out, or at least sold better than the other colors. i've seen the green and grey on sites over there on sale, but the ivory is out of stock.

maybe this is a good indication that ivory will make it here in 2015, i hope!

With the old design, you lifted the bowl up into the collar, and rotated it to lock into place. Great idea, but aluminum doesn't always slide very well, and if things got distorted and out-of-round, the rotation can be a challenge.

The new design appears to be very different; now you place the two back prongs into their slots, then pivot the handle vertically and it snaps into place. The wire handle squeezes to latch in place. No more rotating/sliding, so it may work a lot better.

Time will tell how well it works... I ordered the new parts to retrofit my ancient OTS; I'll report back when I get them next week.

-Tom in SoCal

hey tom!

did you find the newer catch as difficult to put in place as i did? on my perf the right rear tab was a bit tough to line up correctly.

