never gonna use a basket again

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Mostly I do - or even higher than that. If I want high heat then I fill (or overfill) with lit. If I want more moderate heat for an extended period then I'll fill with unlit and top with lit, overfilling, and use the vents to control temps.
I've heard many complain about baskets but don't seem to have the same issues as others. Love mine. I mainly use them with Kingsford or Rancher. Maybe I'm just lucky (knock on wood).
I use mine all the time for meat that needs indirect heat. I suppose you could move the coals to the outside against the drum, which could cause some premature burn outs. Never really thought to not use them. Interesting.
Never understood the baskets. They aren't included in the one touch silver so I can't think they help protect the walls any better. What do you gain over just piling the coals up?
I don't use the baskets all the time but yesterday,I wanted to see what they were like with handling a low & slow Pork neck cook.
I put about 15 unlit briqettes per side and topped with 8 lit per side plus some hickory chunks under the unlit and one ontop of the lit each side, pan in middle (no water) and placed meat on food grate in middle for indirect,and when the temp on the performer's guage got to 200F, I closed it to about 40% and left it there.
The maximum the temp got was 275F but hung around 250F for most of the session which lasted about 5 hours.I actually left the pork neck on bare for too long and it had reached it's temp earlier than I expected so took off, foiled in 3 layers of foil and wrapped in lots newspaper and put in oven to rest (oven was off)
There were still quite a lot of fire activity in that small load of briquettes after that time so I put on about 15 more each side and waited for the temps to rise to about 400F then I placed my veggies in a pan plus some corn cobs to roast for the next hour and a half.
meat was a little drier than I wanted but tasted good anyway and the veggies were great.
I just found that the baskets helped with keeping the heat within and I found it actually made controlling the fire a lot easier when doing low heat cooking and the baskets seem to make the new charcoal catch alight more quicker...but this is only my observation.It's a method I will definately use again...back to Weber basics...sometimes it actually works


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