Neervous Q'er - Great Success!!

Well, first of all, I want to thank all the folks who supported and encouraged me in this undertaking. I really do think this has to be the best forum on the web, and certainly a perfect example of what an internet community is really about. So, thanks to Chris, and everyone - I mean it!
Today was terrific. I arrived with my three loaded aluminum roaster trays just before doors opened at 11. By 12.10 I was completely sold out - 47.5 # of pork, 152 sandwiches (we saved the bun bags to keep track,), and a lot of compliments. Grand fun.
I've put a few pictures in the Smoker Day forum, but also, more at
Canada Mike's funfair pics. So, thanks again to everyone, and I hope your long weekend and Smoke day is wonderful.
Great job, Canada Mike! There's nothing like the feeling you get when a job is well done. You might have beaten some kind of record in sandwiches sold per hour! Darn! Even when one of our own does well, it makes ME feel good!


