need some advice wsm vers extension?

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Damon Vasquez

New member
I have a performer. can decide weither to buy a rotesseri or a WSM. i only run the performer about 2-3 time a month. i do steaks and ribs which is fine. I have done pork butts, chuck roast chicken and turkey over 6-9 hours before on the using the brick and minon method. for the long cooks would i be better off getting a WSM now or just buying a extension. My wife really dosnt like much smoke at all. I like to slow cook food alot.

Hi Damon,
I'm a huge fan of the WSM for stuff that benefits from a long slow cook. It can hold a temperature near 225F for hours with little effort. My opinion is definitely biased. (I do not have an extension so I cannot comment on that.)

Nevertheless, it's a little hard to offer advice. On one hand you mention long cooks and on the other you say that your wife does not smoke (smoked food? smoke from the cooker?)
my wife dosnt really care to the taste of smoked. usually only on pork butts. Once some charcoal left a little to much smoke taste for her. But she like the texture and the flavor of charcoal over gas ( of course) Just trying to figure out my needs.
Well a rotis is a fun thing to have. But i would get an 18" Wsm(first)
. You dont have to add wood to your cooks if wife dont like it. But its a breeze to hold temps(once you start to relax).

I bet You would be a proud owner aswell!
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