Larry Naylor
TVWBB Member
Finally got my heatermeter up and running after replacing the PI zero works great as usual. The last problem is with the alarms, trying to get them sent to my email. After MUCH trial and error i think I have the smtp set. When I click in the test button I don't get it to send a email, when i go into the system log I get this
Wed May 1 16:07:51 2024 user.notice lmalarm: Sending email from HeaterMeter <> to Larry <>. \
Before I kept getting invalid credentials so i guess its and improvement. I've read a lot of posts and the wiki thing but the more I read the more I get confused . I have zero experience with computer programming , and no idea what the alarm scripts do. So with your help please be gentile think of me being in the first grade.
Here are smtp settings
Use 'default' if this is the only configuration
Server host name or IP
Server port number 465
Email 'from' address
Requires authentication checked
Account user name
Account password ..............
Enable TLS/SSL encryption checked
Use STARTTLS checked
If connection is TLS this should be checked, if it is SSL leave unchecked
Verify server certificate checked
Requires TLS trust file
TLS trust file bundle
Any and all help is appreciated
Wed May 1 16:07:51 2024 user.notice lmalarm: Sending email from HeaterMeter <> to Larry <>. \
Before I kept getting invalid credentials so i guess its and improvement. I've read a lot of posts and the wiki thing but the more I read the more I get confused . I have zero experience with computer programming , and no idea what the alarm scripts do. So with your help please be gentile think of me being in the first grade.
Here are smtp settings

Server host name or IP
Server port number 465
Email 'from' address
Requires authentication checked
Account user name
Account password ..............

Enable TLS/SSL encryption checked
Use STARTTLS checked

Verify server certificate checked

TLS trust file bundle
Any and all help is appreciated