Need leakproof bags for thawing


Monty House

Am thawing about 45 lbs. of frozen (previously!) pork bellies and placed them within two Costco garbage pail sized bags (13 gal?). (The bellies are loosely wrapped in plastic.....loosely enough that one belly had a 1"x2" patch of freezer burn.:mad:) Anyhow, the Costco bags appear to seep. Made a mess in the bottom of my spare refrig.

Thinking of trying someplace like Cash & Carry or another restaurant trade store for HD bags that won't leak. What do others use? Not sure what to ask for.

(Right now, they're double bagged in Hefty 30 gallon black garbage sacks. Hoping that'll work, but will check in AM to be sure.)
I use the Zip-loc XL bags. Big enough to hold a turkey so should be large enough for bellies. Every time I defrost something, I put it in a sheet/drip pan. Condensation forms on the outside of the bag and can make a mess if just placed on a shelf.


