Need help with a Menu !! :)



Hi everyone,

Weel, today, i am looking for your advices and ideas !!

Each summer i go to a big outdoor party in august and i am the one cooking for everyone, it is about 40-60 persons. Last year, it was easy, i made pulled pork burger with cole slaw. But this time i need something new.

restritions :
- i have to cook outdoor
- i got one full size bbq and my 18.5 WSM
- i don't want to do hamburger or hotdog
- ideally, it must be easy to eat

any suggestion for my menu ?

at the moment i tought of making skewer of beef with roasted corn and potato (the small one... 1 inche wide ... in french it is called "grelot" but i got no idea how to say it in english lol)

so, any idea ? anyone ? please help !!
thanks Bob,

Those recipes all looks really good. i'll keep in ming de potatoes and greek salad but i do not see how i could cook enough chicken for 40-60 persons !!

i'll be using a gas bbq and my WSM 18.5

any other ideas ?

today i though that pepper stout beef could do it, i read it is good but i never tried it !
You could do the RSC on the gasser, you'd be surprised how much you can get on there but you have to keep a close eye on it though.

You could also do Pepper Stout Beef ahead of time and reheat in a foil pan on the gasser, and make RSC on the 18.5 with chicken on both racks and leave the water pan out, rotate the racks 1/2 way through the cook, You can probably get close to 40 thighs in there. After the PSB is hot take it off and start grilling corn. This will give people a couple options for dinner.

You can cook the taters on the gasser while you reheat the beef, they only take 20-30 minutes over med-high heat.

This is all fairly labour intensive for you but people will love it.
I'd go with some BigHunkOMeat just for the sake of simplicity. Maybe a top round roast, brisket or a small flock of whole birds in the WSM. Then maybe a couple of fillets of fish just to mix things up. The cook's gotta have some fun too! The sides can be prepped ahead.

