Need help identifying this Performer



Need everyone's help with this one. A friend found this unit in the backyard of a house they are moving into. Definitely a Performer. Personally, I've never seen one like this/this old. The propane tank is a strange size. The charcoal baskets inside are all wire. They look like they are made from the same materials as a grill grate. The ash catcher on the bottom has come off. It attaches differently than my new performer. Any idea how it is supposed to attach? Will Weber customer service help on an item this old? Any help is appreciated!
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The first gen ash catchers don't have the tabs, or the slots in the leg sockets to clip into. They are held with a horizontal bar that it assembled between the bowl and ash sweeper.

There was a person selling the exact same thing here locally on craigslist but it was a weird green color on the kettle. It sold very fast and the had it listed at 150.00 I had posted a link in the trading post forum trying to figure out what it was since it had the large propane tank also.

