need brisket help!!!


Hunter Lewis

TVWBB Member
Hey all, I hope everyone is as pumped about BBQ season as I am.

I am planning on smoking a brisket for poker night with my buddies tomorrow night. I was planning on doing a packer, unless someone thinks the flat would be a better bet. I am feeding 8-10 people. My first brisket was a bit dry, so I need a bit of help with input to improve. fat cap up or down? What temp should i smoke at? Should I foil? about how long will an average size packer take? I was going to put it in late tonight or tomorrow morning early so it can cook while i am at work. Please help!!

thanks all

Everybody has their different is what I do, and I consisitent get moist/tender brisket every time. I foil at 180 degrees, and add a little apple juice. Then put it back on the smoker till it reaches an internal temp of 200. Pull it, put it a cooler wrapped in towels for 2-4 hours... "that's it". Good Luck, let us know how it turns out.
Is it an option to tend to it during the day, or are you gone from AM until late afternoon? Personally, I would not do a brisket if I am not around to look after it due to the risk of over-cooking and wanting to foil about 2/3 of the way through.

If I had to cook something where I was gone for 8-10 hours I would stick with a pork butt.
Thanks for the quick responses guys, I live about 5 min from the office, so i can check it and leave the office early when it is getting close to done. I was thinking of putting it on before bed, and thinking I would be ready to foil by lunch time tomorrow. Stu, about how long does the brisket cook before it is ready to foil? (say pit temps of 250-275)
"Oh Man, that's a good one"?? would depend on the size, cut, conditions, etc. This is just my experience with a "semi-high cook" packer. I have started some at 11-1130p with my temp running 275-300 using the coffee can MM, set my Maverick to 180 and put it next to my bed. It usually wakes me up about 6-630a (could be earlier). I get up and quickly foil it. After that it does not take long to get to 200, probably about 7-8a or so. Let rest in a cooler until your ready to slice for lunch, don't know what time you leave for work but you could take the cooler with you. I cook fat side down. Plese understand this is based on my experiences, use this as kind of a guideline.
We cook our packers at 225-235 fat cap down. Wrap in double layer heavy duty foil when internal temp is 170 and cook until internal is 193. Remove and let rest for 1 hour. Slice and serve. That seems to work well for us.
Thanks for all the input guys, I am going to give it a try and we will see what happens. I will let you know how it goes.

rock...smoke on!
Hunter, one more option . do a high and fast cook. Cook at around 350-370 Lid. Put meat on without foil until internal meat temp reaches around 170. Pull off wrap in foil and monitor every so often after the first hour.When it jiggles or the probe goes in like a hot knife through butter its done. No need to monitor temps after foiling. Go by feel. I've done a few of these . They take around 4-5 hours max.By the way the brisket tastes great!!!
I've never done a "whole packer" as of yet, but I've done 3 flats and my last one was pretty darn good!!!! I can get a nice flat at Costco with a good fat cap attached...I do mine about 250-lid (fat cap down) until it reaches 190 and pull and wrap in 2 layers of foil to rest in the cooler for about 3-4 hours before carving into her...Makes the best sandwiches on earth!!


