Need an opinion on roast storage



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
The other day I bought a standing rib roast (boneless). It's exceeded its sell by date now by a couple days. Looks and smells fine, I have cut a few steaks off it for the grill, but would like to use it Sunday. Currently in the Styrofoam tray and covered with plastic wrap. I don't want to freeze it since my plan is to rotisserie it at my dad's house Sunday. Kinda toying with the idea of unwrapping it, placing it on a small rack and leaving it uncovered it the coolest part of my fridge. Or would it be better wrapped? Or will I have a rotten roast?
My other option is to cut this one into ribeyes, freeze them and then simply buy another for Sunday

Guidance I've received is to get it out of the styrofoam. Having it all sealed up is where there can be an issue with bacteria growing ( again , so I've been told or read )

you could dry age it for a few weeks in the fridge so a few days won't hurt anything.

Some say to cover it with a thin cotton cloth, e.g. flour sack towels. Some say leave it uncovered.

Only risk I can think of is cross contamination. I suggest having it as the only thing uncovered in the fridge so it won't "catch anything" or expose anything. Seems like a low risk, but...

If you are cooking it Sunday, I'd do a dry rub with kosher salt on Saturday and give the salt a chance to infuse into the roast.

I'll bring a nice California cabernet... I need directions and arrival time ;)
If you are cooking it Sunday, I'd do a dry rub with kosher salt on Saturday and give the salt a chance to infuse into the roast
Yeah, this.

Don’t salt for more than overnight. It’ll ruin the beef texture IMO.

Air dry (like dry aging) for one day should be fine. The dryer the safer. It’s the moisture that rots meat.
If you are going to air dry make sure you place the rib roast on a rack such as a cooling rack so the air circulates all around the roast, and place roast at the very bottom of fridge( this is the coolest spot in fridge) and the fridge temperature should be 35-38F preferably.
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Yeah the salting thing on beef I am not a fan of. Tried it and just don't like the texture. I think right now I will stick it on a rack and let it be until Sunday. And Dan, the house is only about 20 min from O'Hare Airport :D
And actually that was kind of my gut instinct.

