Need Advice

I had planned on a overnight smoke with a whole packer tonight, but my go to butcher was out. I settled for 2 flats about 7.5-8 lbs each.

Is 1 hour/lb a good estimate for time? Planning on low and slow vs high heat method. Looking to eat around 6 tomorrow.

Should I trim any fat? I was thinking i wouldn't to keep tender and moist.

Any other tips are welcome. My first time doing flats no less 2 at one time. Have only done whole packers to date.

Thanks in advance!
I would plan on a 9 to 10 hour evolution including rest time. I do not trim fat until slicing if it is excessive or unsightly. Enjoy your cook!!!
I wouldn't trim any fat if it were me. I would cook fat-side down at 250 degrees. I don't like to cook them at less than 250 degrees on the WSM. I'd say an hour per pound is a good estimate. That's my 2 cents :D. Good luck!
Rubbed the brisket with Big Bad Beef Rub from and put in fridge around 2:30 Saturday. Fired up chimney 7:10 Sunday morning. I'm cooking using the Minion Method and buried 1 Hickory and 1 Cherry. I added 3 Cherry on lit coals. Put meat in smoker at 7:45


8:15 all 3 vents 50% grate temp 227 meat 59

8:45 all 3 50% grate temp 273

9:45 3 @25% grate temp 269

11:00 2@ 25% and 1 @ 50% grate temp 247

12:00 2@ 50% and 1@ 25% grate temp 251

3:00 3@ 50% grate temp 249

4:00 2@ 50% 1 @ 100% grate temp 253

5:30 3 @ 100% grate temp 251 meat temp 185

I took brisket out of the smoker at 5:30, placed in aluminum pan, and tented with foil. I didn't let the meat rest as long as I would've liked due to time.

Overall I was happy with how the meat turned out. I think if I ever have the opportunity to cook to flats again i would rotate between the top grate and bottom grate. I saw inconsistency in the smoke rings on the two briskets.


Where in NJ are you? I can always find a packer near me... Monmouth county.

When I run a brisket, I usually shut more vents. I have all three fully open when put the charcoal in, and as soon as it gets up to 250-275, I shut two of them completely down and put my meat on. My temp usually drops to 200-210 and slowly ticks back up. When it's arou d 220, I I close the one wide open vent 50%, then when I'm at 230, Im only at 1/4 open.

I also always wrap it in butcher paper when it hits 160-165. I put some beef broth and a drop of Worcester in there with it. It's like butter when I pull it off

