Need a Maverick ET-372 by Friday....who has one?


Willie (Green Bay)

TVWBB Member
Ok guys, im in desperate mode.

I need to purchase a ET-372 and I need it here by Friday.

I'd like to purchase from a fellow TVWBB'er if possible, but also don't want to get charged up the butt for shipping or the unit.

Any reco's?

I live in Green Bay and none of my local sources carry this unit.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Stuart S:
You could buy it off Amazon, $65 including shipping and it should be to you by Friday.

You'll also be supporting TVWBB if you use the link below.
Maverick on Amazon </div></BLOCKQUOTE>


The most you "might" be able to save is maybe $10.. and that's a big IF.

Just order the thing and support the forum.
I ordered mine from and it got to DC pretty fast. I did not pay for expedited shipping however.

It seems the better approach may be to go through Amazon and support this forum.

Alas, I just checked that website and they say it's currently sold out.

