Naughty WSM, uncontrollable high temps. Help!

Yesterday did my 1st cook of the year (I know, i know...), i've never had any problems until the other night.
Tried the foiled clay pot in the water pan method since i liked the idea of little cleanup.
So i used the minion method, full ring, 20 lit coals in a nice pile, 2 pork butts.

Temperatures rose nicely, vents about 10% open on all 3 since, got to 250 and kept going. Closed all the vents, temperature got to 270-285, and stayed there ALL NIGHT. All vents closed, I couldn't get the temperature down.!

The access door seems to seal pretty well. The only smoky leaks i can see are around the top lid base, but no more than every other time, where i had no problem controlling at 235-250 EASILY.

As of right now i'm attributing it to using too many coals for the Minion method (i forgot how many i usually use), but that doesn't explain why the temp didn't drop with all the vents closed!

Any thoughts? The pork turned out good, if a bit dry. I foiled it once it got to about 170, brought it to 192-195.

Any ideas welcome!

I'd say you have air getting in elsewhere if the vents were closed and it didn't kill the fire.

I'd suggest you bend the access door into shape so the sides are snug against the cooker. Also check the alignment between the sections for gaps and if you find any, try rotating the middle section on the base to see if you can get rid of it or use aluminum foil to fill it.
thanks for the thoughts Matt. I bent the access door last night, and it seems to be well snugged, it is a bit springy and i have to press it on to close the latch.
I'll try to see if the base if out of round, but i can't fathom how it could have happened or why that would be the case.
I had a similar result when using the clay pot mod for the first time with minion method. My guess is that the clap pot does not have the same thermal mass as the water. I have subsequently cut back to only 10-12 coals for MM and no problems on start up. Were you using Rancher or K or something else?
Used standard Kingsford. what is this "Rancher" everyone seems to be talking about?
Guess that is what i get when i don't use my WSM for a year
Rancher has been on sale at HD all summer for $2.99 20# bag. Good stuff. I love it.
Next time youuse the clay saucher mod, def only use 8-10 lit coals. I shut my vents down to 0/10/10 and it burnt all throught the night. I got 21 hours out of a full ring using the MM.
Jason, I echo Jeff, I start my MM/Clay Saucer smokes with 8 - 10 lit Kingsford but I use Rancher in my ring. I find Kingsford starts much faster than Rancher. Also, I shut down the bottom vents 100% when my grate temp hits 200 and adjust for your desired temp from there. Sounds like you're almost there.
I also find the clay saucer isnt quite as consistent with the temps...I use a Stoker and with water the temps were a straight line...with the clay saucer, I get about +/- 5 deg F sine wave. But that certainly hasnt change my end product and I love the clean up.
I have used the saucer for a year w/ lump. I light only a couple of handfuls, and still get temps running up sometimes.

The door leaks no matter how much you bend it. Get some foil tape and seal it shut, and you'll notice better temp control right away.
If the door seals well enough it's not likely the door will be an issue with either rising temps or temps that do not fall. Doors need not be taped.

Fewer lit coals for the start is warranted. But, also, check the fit of your middle and lower sections. One often does not see smoke emanating from there--especially if all lower vents are closed--but air intake is probable if there is even a tiny gap caused by improper seating or an out-of-round middle, like mine. I cannot actually see a problem when I place the middle on the lower section. But, unless I use a foil seal, I get air intake and have more difficulty with temp control.
Thanks Kevin. So you just put a layer of foil all around the base and then put the mid section on it?
I'll try that next weekend when i cook some salmon.
Yup. I take a probably bit over 6ft length of HD, halve it lengthwise (stashing the other half for the next use), loose fold it lengthwise, wrap it around the top of the lower section, then squash the middle on well. Removing the middle thakes slightly more effort after the cook is done, but, with a mere reposition (if needed) of the foil, I reuse it, often for several cooks, till it needs to be replaced.
I'll give it a try Kevin.
Thanks everyone for the ideas. I assume my problem is from starting with too many lit coals and a leak somewhere.

The tape really is a PITA. I only took it off once though, to boost temps for a turkey.

When I'm using the saucer, charcoal use is so low that I just don't use the door - it always caused an ash problem anyway. If I need to reload lump for a very long cook, I have the handles on the midsection.

And yes, the cracks that smoke aren't the ones that cause the problem - the invisible ones draw air are causing the temp run-ups.

At one point I had also taped the lower vents (except for my Guru vent). I found that to be the best set-up for making the WSM respond to temp control. I use a hot-burning lump, and it just finds a way to draw oxygen unless I shut it off.

