Natural Wood Charcoal - Temp Concerns


Chris Nixon

New member
I am receiving my first Weber Smokey Mountain 22.5 this month and can't wait to use it. I have been browsing to forums for some time now and finally felt like I could join now that I will have the smoker.

I have used Natural Wood Charcoals with other (cheaper) smokers as I've found it to burn at a higher temp. to maintain heat in the cheaper smokers. I have been impressed with what I've read regarding the WSM's ability to maintain heat. I am looking forward to doing a brisket on the smoker but am concerned about the smoker getting too hot with the Natural Wood Charcoal (especially after reading the smoker may burn hot the first few uses). I'm looking to go low and slow with this brisket - anyone have any experiencing using this charcoal. I read some reviews on the forum - but didn't see much regarding how to maintain a low temperature. Can you add as much to do the minion method and utilize vents to keep temp low or do you need to add less charcoal? If that's the answer - how much less. Any insight is greatly appreciated - looking forward to being an avid contributor of this board!
It's all about controlling air flow. Briquettes though do seem more forgiving if too much air is allowed. I think it's because of the heavy ash choking it a little (just my opinion). Lump creates much less ash so there's less of a choking affect and you have to get used to the air flow/temp control.
Steve -

Thanks for your reply - so you would recommend using same (2 chimneys full unlit) 1/2 chimney lit and trying minion method controlling with air vents?

Thannks for feedback - much appreciated!
I don't use a 22" WSM, but I'd put in as much as it will hold, then a 1/2 lit. Someone with a 22 might chime in and tell you the general routine for dialing in the temp on a 22.
I use lump charcoal in my 22.5. I fill the charcoal basket full (approxiately 2 chimneys of unlit lump). I do 1/3 chimney of lit charcoal.

You will have to control the temps by shutting down 2 of the 3 vents completely and the third vent opened between 1/8 and 1/4 of an inch.

I can get an 8lb back of lump to go the length, but it is too close. I would recommend adding some within an hour or two of your projected end to be safe.
My 22.5 is new, cooked on it about 5 times. My last cook was 16 lb low & slow brisket. I used Stubbs natural briquettes and did not have any temperatre difficulties. I maintained 240-250, adding a little after 8 hours. I have not used lump charcoal yet.

